We decided to make classic gameplay with some custom features, At our server you starting in default zones and gain experince same like global servers, we developed late game, by adding coin system, events, active job and other systems that would make the game more playable and fun as you can see we don't really have a lot of features but that its because we want to keep at as simple as posbile for people to obtain and ger last gear items. Links:
Information|Rates ect: Exp| 100 Sp| 100 Gold| 10 Cap| 140 Skills| 140 Mastery(CH/EU)| 420/280 Alchemy| Medium Job rates| Custom (High) Vote for Silks| Yes CTF| Yes BA| Yes Roc Gate| Yes Medusa| Yes Fortress war| Yes Titan invasion| Yes Captcha| No IPLimit| 3 Files| vsro 1.188 Botting allowed| Yes We have added starter item to help people out at the first lvls as we all know it is pretty hard to lvl up without any help at the start. The starter pack includes: -White Wolf -50 million gold -1 million SP -Rabbit 3 days -4-Week skill gold time ticket -1k mp hp to help out -100% moving speed scrolls 10x -20 return scrolls You can also see the image for the starter items.
We have added upgrade system for something new into the game as we don't want the server to be all botters we have added them to make some activity through out the gameplay and players you can see the guide below on how to upgrade ur items.
We have added upgrade items system. In Legion Shop you can find, two scrolls: Item Upgrader ( D13 Sun > D14 SOM > D14 SUN ) Super Item Upgrader (D14 SUN > D15 SOM > D15 SUN) Just need put item to upgrade into 1st slot of your inventory, then use “Item Upgrader”,
We have added the newest 15 DG that is made by joymax to the server you can watch this video made by XENijX you can watch it down below.
We have added fully working 140lv skills ( CH and EU), every skill its possible upgrade up to 140lv. Additionally, we have added custom skills to better balance between races.
What is styria ? Styria is a special area where you can drop Arena Coins, by killing Pengiuns How to get there ? For first, you need to drop Key recipe Key recipe you can get by killing one of two unique (Kidemonas or Geenie) Teleports are placed in Hotan. Crystals Required Elements you can drop in Catacomb. By killing GhostsSungSung Put these item crystal into Alchemy window then “Manufacture” it. You’ll receive “key of Styria Room” Now you can teleport to Styria Room, in Hotan Gate. After teleport you’ll see notice about you have 5 minutes to killing Penguiuns Every Penguin drop Arena Coin After 5 minute, you will be teleported back to Hotan.