danke für eure Unterstützung.
danke für eure Unterstützung.
Old Character Panl & Job System:
Old Job Suits & Equipment Slots
Old Item-Mall
Oldschool Map
Choose your Server
First Event (09. September 2014)
Official Client (458MB via Mega)
Official Client (458MB via files.fm)
Official Client (458MB via Depositfiles)
Official Client (458MB via Filedropper)
*WinRar or 7zip needed to extract!
*If you have Problems, run the Autopot as Administrator and "Compatibility Mode Windows XP SP3!
*Autopot does NOT work in WINDOW MODE
Create a Shortcut of sro_client.exe in your Eldorado Folder.
Right-click this shortcut -> properties -> and add after sro_client.exe this:
Zitatsro_client.exe 95634 /9 0 0
For me it looks like this than:
Start the multiclient shortcut than and no SCREEN / FPS lags should occure anymore
Resolution Problems:
Go to Eldorado Folder -> Delete setting folder -> Start Game -> login -> Back to Eldorado folder -> create Folder "setting" new and than teleport!!!
How to enter Window Mode
Windows 7: ALT + ALT + ENTER
Remember: Autopot will not work in Window Mode!
Why you opend a Cap70 Server?
-> Because we use isro Files without Euro, that means skills are max. 70...
Will the Cap raised to 80 maybe?
-> It is possible by our side! But it depends on the Community, if we would raise it!
What is the old trade System?
-> You can be a trader, thief and hunter without choosing an alias name. You have to wait 10 Minutes until you unequipped a job item, to equip another job item again.
What about the Job Rates?
-> We higherd them, because trading is the only way to get rich.
-> Be carefull: a thief can get WANTED Status!
Does the Guild Mercenarys work?
-> Yep, they work. Only Guildmasters can activate them.
Is there any kind of Fortress/Battle Arena or CTF?
-> No! We are completly Oldschool. We have other contents to keep the server community alive!
Will the Beta-Chars be deleted after Beta?
-> Yes they will be deleted! All active testers get a great reward.
Is the Server already open?
-> Yea! Grand Opening was on 31. August 2014
Is it pay2win?
-> Nope.
Are there many Events?
-> Yep. We have a great team which leads you through our Community.
Where can I find the official Eldorado Time?
What about bugs?
We fixed all common bugs like multiple Scrolls using, Pet bug in Cave, Duplicate Bug and many more. Due to some database reorgs, some small bugs might happen. Please report them asap to our team, that we can fix it.
When does VIP and Fembria open?
VIP & Fembria stays offline for the first time, dont worry, they will come!
You wanna report some Bugs or you have Suggestions?
Click the Picture to Add a Suggestion!
Eldorado-Register: http://www.eldorado-online.net/?register
Homepage: http://www.eldorado-online.net/
Forum: http://eldorado-forum.tk/
Vorab möchte ich mich für die englische Sprache entschuldigen.
Außerdem möchte ich klarstellen, dass Duplicate, Exchange, Pet, Scroll, Emblem und Mercanery bugs vollständig behoben sind!
!! Oldschool ECSRO Style !!
Grand Opening: 07. September 2014
LIVE Server Stats:
Official Eldorado Trailer
*Thank you Weed_Pirate for this Video!
Eldorados General Infos
Skills Cap|70
Mastery Levels|300
Solo EXP/SP Rates|x10
Party EXP/SP Rates|x11
Drop Rate|x10
Drop Gold|x10
Quest Rate|x15
Trade Rate|x15
SOX| normal Glow
Silk|Donate & Vote for Silk
Jewel Box Event| Yes, Jewel boxes!!
HD-Resolution| Yes (1920x1080p)
Uptime| 99,9%
We increased the EXP the following way:
01->35 : x30
36->42 : x20
43->51 : x17
52->60 : x15
61+++ : x10
- fixing trade rate issue
- fixing Lv68/69 Item drop(FIXED)
- adding Avatars
§1 - Do not impersonate anyone of the Eldorado-Team!
§2 - Do not scam / hack!
§3 - Do not abuse any bugs/glitches!
§4 - Don't advertise any other private Server!
§5 - The only allowed language via global-chat is ENGLISH
§6 - Do not PK while Events!
§7 - Getting Pink / Murder while jobbing is forbidden!
§8 - Always have fun and feel free to contact a GM if you got Problems!
Every abuse of this rules will lead into a punishment decided by any GM!
This could be a ban, deactivate chat, removing your items etc.
Connection: at least 400Mbit/s via 1GBit/s Port
CPU: Intel Core i7-920 (Hyperthread)
Backup: 100GB HDD in a Cloud (for a Safe Database)
DDoS Protect: yes
Exploit Protect: yes
Hey yo, you never played those oldschool Silkroad? Than I have some usefull tips for you!
When your Level is low, it would be better to avoid traders which pass your way, because in Oldschool Silkroad, NPC-Thiefs can attack players without wearing a Job suit!
Level up in a 4/4 Distributed Party. In case that in those files are no party mobs, solo grinding is much faster (btw, we raised the giant spawn rate
Try to find a guild as soon as possible. I am sure they will give u their old items like it was in 2006. Coz real oldschools are community players and not those selfish retards.
Trade rates are still on default. We will use the beta to find a perfect match which makes trading most attractive ever!
We also changed the HP of Fire Ox and Ironclad Trade Horse!
Ox: 142.000 HP
Horse: 71.000 HP
[table="head"]Item | Old Stack | New Stack
Elixirs | 1 | 50
Stones | 1 | 50
Pots | 50 | 250
UniPills | 50 | 250
Vigors | 50 | 250
Arrows | 250 | 1500
Pet Pots | 50 | 1500
Pet UniPill | 50 | 1500
[table="head"]Which bug? | Fixed | Other
Multiple Scrolls | yes | -
Guild emblem | yes | -
Pet Bug | yes | -
Mercenarys | yes | -
Item Mall | yes | -
Exchange Scamm bug | yes | If you use the "search" trick, you will get DC
Dupe Bug | yes | -
Thief cheat | no | will be banned if abusing!!
Dupe Bug: therefore its not real duplicate - its just a scamm trick! be aware of this!
We have our eyes on this. Dont worry.
These Videos are from the Old times. I did not upload them, I just collected them.
Silkroad Online Trailer
Silkroad Server: Eldorado (January 2007)
We increased the EXP the following way:
01->35 : x30
36->42 : x20
43->51 : x17
52->60 : x15
61+++ : x10
We just added a working bot which is easy to handle for all. Check our Download section!
Create a NO DC / NO LAG Multiclient
Download Bot:
[table="head"]Ingame Nick | Job | Language
[GM]iSimplyTwist | (Owner & Head Admin) | German & English
[GM]Ra | (Owner & Database Admin) | English
[GM]Joker | (Head GM & PK2 Editor) | German & English
[GM]Darkshine | (GM & Supporter) | German & English
[GM]Moruk | (GM & Supporter) | Turkish & English
[EM]Mycco | (EM & Advertiser) | English & Estonian
[EM]Evergreen | (EM & Advertiser) | English & Bulgarian
Note: GMs won't respond any requests.
They are responsible for smooth gameplay and for answering your questions.