Beiträge von K.Rens

    I tried that, but then on nginx it does not create multiple files, it only creates one.

    Alexander from woltlab looked at it and this was his conclusion:
    "I've checked the cronjob (which calls the worker itself) and the issue might be the way the entire file is being created: All data is stored into a temporary variable and then written in one step only. This saves a lot of time because the disks are not busy writing every single line, but this also causes the temporary variable to eventually grow really big. Filling the buffer variable up to a certain threshold and then flushing to disk might avoid this problem."

    The cronjob stopped again last Thursday (unticked it's active state).

    These are the database records of the cronjob log (wcf1_cronjob_log):

    cronjobLogID cronjobID execTime success error
    52427 15 1409841010 0 NULL
    52428 15 1409841020 0 NULL
    52429 15 1409841023 1 NULL
    55576 15 1410184332 1 NULL
    55577 15 1410184358 1 NULL
    55578 15 1410184365 1 NULL

    So the last execution seems to be a success, but still it disabled itself.


    After running a few times, the sitemap cronjob just deactivates itself.
    It unticks the box in front of it in /acp/index.php/CronjobList/

    I don't see any error messages or a clear reason why it deactivates itself.

    Any idea what could cause it or where I could look for the cause of the issue?

    Thank you

    Thank you!
    Glad to see it's so similar to what I wrote. :-)

    Just 1 question:
    Why do you need following line?
    if ($request_uri !~ .*index\.php.*) {

    It seems to work just fine without it?
    The less if's you can have in your nginx config, the better ;-)

    Ok, since nobody shared their .htaccess, I wrote following nginx configuration file:
    rewrite ^/blog/(.*)/$ /blog/index.php/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/cms/(.*)/$ /cms/index.php/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/filebase/(.*)/$ /filebase/index.php/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/Board/(.*)/$ /index.php/Board/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/User/(.*)/$ /index.php/User/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/Thread/(.*)/$ /index.php/Thread/$1/ break;
    rewrite ^/([a-zA-Z]*)/$ /index.php/$1 break;

    Hopefully it helps someone.
    Note: it may still miss some pages if you have custom plugins or a different url structure.
    Note 2: I first tried a general rule, but then it also rewrote all the .css files.

    Or can someone provide me with the .htaccess rewrite rule, so I can convert it myself to nginx?
    I just need the one to remove index.php

    Thank you


    I tried removing the index.php from the urls.

    In the comments you write
    "wird nach dem Speichern eine Warnmeldung angezeigt. Wenn man diese durchließt und wie beschrieben drauf klickt, bekommt man die Nginx configuration die man einfügen muss."

    My webserver is nginx, but I do not get a warning message with explanation on what to add to the nginx config.
    I only get a green success message.
    How can I find out what to add to the nginx configuration file?

    Thank you.


    I just bought your plugin and installed it on a clean installation.

    I activated the sitemaps for ThreadPage and BoardPage, by ticking the enable box in front of the default entries.
    When I manually generate the xml sitemap from the crons list, the sitemaps are not created and the items counter remains empty.

    For the UserList it is working, but if I only enable ThreadPage or BoardPage, the sitemap index remains empty:
    <sitemapindex xmlns=""></sitemapindex>

    The /wcf/sitemap folder exists and is writable.
    I don't get any error message and nothing is written to any log.

    What else can I try to make it work?

    Webserver: nginx
    Database: mysql
    Php: php-fpm
    All latest versions, plugin version: WBB SEO Plugin 1.0.8 pl 6

    Thank you!

    Edit: the php server seems te be out of memory.
    Increasing php memory solved the issue.

    Thank you!