atm schaut sie Berlin Tag & Nacht und nacher Prosieben bis 21:15 und dann kann sie weiter arbeiten xD
Beiträge von Falrach
2te staffel löst das bissel auf
Sicher.. ne wette. Frag doch einfach ob dir jemand sowas macht aber erfinde doch keine geschichten das der kumpel deiner tante, dessen opa's groß enkel tochter mit dir ne wette am laufen hat
Wieso sind in diesem Forum immer alle so feindselig? -
was heißt gaming für dich, weil mit dem budget wirst du nicht besonders weit kommen.
LoL und gta2 drüften aber schon drinn sein
lol gta2 kannste überall spielen xDhttp://www.notebooksbilliger.d…580+m81f6ge+15+multimedia
hier der sieht doch gut aus
arne echt immer die besten posts.....
mal als info wurde heute da von einem ADMIN gepostet:
Hi everyone !so for last two weeks, we've starting showing game to media and press
members ( I'm sure you've noticed some increased activity in reviewing
War Z on various leading websites ), and yes - we're literally weeks
away from opening access to the game to public. First, we'll allow
limited access to Alpha for most devoted fans, as well as public access
to everyone else few weeks after that.We have couple quirks we'll have to iron out, both of which are relates
to large zombie crowds - when you're getting into zone where there're
more than 60-70 active zombies, we're getting some weird issues on
server side, which we need to fix before we'll be able to allow public
access to the game. Other than that game looks pretty good right now -
we've replaced like 80% of sounds placeholders last week and some of the
new animations ( you can check sounds here - please note that there're some encoding weirdness on vimeo - sound is slightly delayed comparing to video ).Overall we've replaced :
- All steps/walk/contact sounds
- All reloads, and tweaked all shooting sounds
- UI sounds, eat, dringk, use medical supplies, etc
- Added TONS of environment dynamic sounds. They're also depends on time
of the day ( crickets and owls at night, cicades, birds during daytime,
that kind of shit )- New zombie sounds - still work in progress ( this is why I said 80%
are replaced ), but new sound design allows you to navigate in a zombie
infested place, solely based on directional sound scape.New features added :
- Colored chem lights
- Explosive arrows for crossbow ( almost impossible to find )
- Flare gun
- lanterns
- Ability to "knock off" helmet or any other headgear from the head when
doing headshot. Pretty cool visual feature, but also gives you visual
indication that you've been "saved" from death by your headgear.Some of the UI tweaks :
- Redesign of chat window is in progress. It's just not working for most
of us at the moment. New one will be lot more non intrusive and simple- Date/Time removed from the HUd and moved into PAUSE/inventory/missions/map menu
- We also got initial feedback from new testers on overall menus/ui - so we're working on some improvements there too.
Overall after press tour we've got TONS of positive feedback reinforcing
our concept of "game's three pillars" - zombie survival, interaction
with other players, rebuilding world/building your own strongholds.We're going to concentrate more effort on the last part - creating more
and more gameplay tools for players to create more dynamic, interactive
and immersive gameplay experiences within game world. Most of our
designs and ideas we have right now for that will be implemented this
year.LOTS of our initial public alpha access and gameplay will focus on
getting feedback from players and modify item spawn chances and
placement, zombie AI feedback, overall "feel" of the game. We're
probably going to restrict alpha players to portion of the map, opening
more and more as we go - every week or two, with idea of completely test
and open full map by start of Beta. Those who will be playing Alpha
will be true Pioneers exploring world and some of the will become
Legends.We've got tons of questions - "why you're not going F2P ?". There's no
simple answer to that. Our team are experts in F2P market - I've been
Technical Director on the League of Legends, helping to shape game
design from first days of the company up until way past alpha, our CTO
is responsible for about 4 successfull f2p MMOs in Korea and Japan, our
designers have worked on such titles as World of Tanks, Battlefield
Play4Free, etc. Even War Inc. which is while being developed by other
company and team, relied on our experience to make it's one of biggest
earners per player. YET - for War Z - we're sticking to very simple idea
- one time payment, which is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than any other large
game in industry. Yes we do have miscrotransactions in a game, but we
view them more like a tool for players who wants to help us to develop
product faster or just say "thank you" to be able to do so.BTW - we've passed very important milestone for number of closed beta
users registrations, so we'll probably going to do something about it
next weekYours,
Sergey TitovExecutive Producer
The War Z
Hoffe hier braucht keiner übersetztung.
Zur Bu:
Es gibt einfach mal 3 Gruppen:
1. bei arbeiten die nicht gefärhlich sind, d.h. relativ preiswert
2. durschnittlich gefährlich, da kommt man als schüler auch rein schon teurer
3. gefährlich, alles andere teuerJe nachdem was du machen willst, solltest du als schüler/student schon eine BU abschließen.
Ich komm auch draum, aber finds bisschen lächerlich schon für die alpha zahlen zu müssen.
Ich schau mir die auch schon an xD
sucht ihr sowas?
$server_name = "Primum-Online [Closed Alpha]"; // Server name;
$user = "sa"; // SQL username
$pass = "A1s2d3f4"; // SQL password
$db = "SRO_VT_ACCOUNT"; // SQL Database
$sh = "SRO_VT_SHARD"; //
$home = " [Closed Alpha] Client.rar";
$silk = "99999"; // Start silk amount.
$gold = "0"; // User start gold on storage
$az = 0; // A-Z a-z Only ? 1 = yes 0 = no
$em = 0; // Allow using more than one E-Mail? 1 = yes 0 = no
$cp = 1; // IP LIMIT 1 = yes 0 = no
$li = 2; // IP LIMIT number
@$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Don't change it
@$connect = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server={".$host."}; Database={".$db."}",
w00t xD -
man kann auch einfach das exchange limit erhöhen xD
Würde wieder goldbots bevorzugen und 1:3 mio bisschen low oder? müsste schon 1 : 15 mio sein...
[20:46:30] * Checking for updates...
[20:46:31] * Finished checking for updates!
[20:46:37] * Language packet: Detected english language!
[20:46:37] * Error, wrong client installed! Please install original client or reinstall SRO.
[20:46:37] * Starting of sro_client.exe failed!diese nachricht bekomm ich immer beim starten vom sbot. any help?
hey hatte den fehler auch.zuerst task-manger öffen und den sro client der nur 677 statt 700k verbraucht closen. Dann sollte es schon klappen.
Wenn das nicht hilft noch mac1/2 in botcfg changen.
Wenn beides net hilift pc neustarten. -
str chars machen int 90 wegen der phy deff net wegen snow shield xD
Es geht nicht um den download, die Strafe ist so hoch weil er die songs danach noch verbreitet hat.
AHAHAHAHAHAHhaHAHAHAHAH Bot ist bugusing, alles klar. Da merkt man die Kompetenz. NICHT! Srsly, nen Bot mit nem Bug zu vergleichen.. ja, klar.
Einfach nur fail.. Bannt den Kerl endlich und hört auf das zu akzeptieren, alter was ist los mit euch/dir.. Und es gibt Unterschiede zwischen Bugusing, einmal gibt es Bugs die das Spielgefühl ruinieren und einmal gibt es Bugs die egal sind.. Der Restart Bug gehört eindeutig zu ersterem.
Wenn der mbot black pills durch pottet, nutzt der mbot einen bug.Und du laberst hier einfach nur scheiße!
1v1 random picks
würde auch mitmachen....
joa geht nur mit proxy's wie auch oben schon geschrieben . proxy's sind heutzutage kein problem mehr beim richtigen anbieter bekommste schon 10 ip adressen + vserver + domain für 5-9 euro
Echt? Also ich kenn nur anbieter für 7 € wo dann jede ip 1 euro mehr kostet.