Beiträge von .nh

    A lot of Players want to leave styx...the most of my Guild & Union are leaving Styx!
    I test today the Server "PlaySro"...and I was talking with some Players there.
    There are more than 2000 Players online evrytime!

    On that Server are enought things you can do:
    They made enought events, Capture the Flag, Uniques a lot Players make PvP, Fortresswar, Jobwar and and and
    you can vote for PlaySro to get free Silk -> more Players
    and enought more which I see in the next time, but all players I asked, said that its not boring since they play!

    "My tipps for you:"
    make more publicity, more events open ctf
    add more Teamplay ...with Special Quest ...Instances or something like that
    Add new special 9D weapons and gear special ridepets,special dresses.. they dont have to be much better
    only that players have some destinations

    The most players are botting to farm Sox and items etc.

    My idea to add Second Chinese which starts in Const. like in World of Warcraft Alliance and Horde...
    Add stuff which earn experience what players want and use it to get more fun for players!

    or your Server will die in the next 4-6 Weeks ...-> take some ideas at playsro

    Wie wärs wenn sie einfach die Menge des tradebaren Goldes erhöhen...
    oder sollte so ein item kommen einfach Payment helper coin oder so nenne, dass rafft auch jeder :)

    Meine Idee wäre es Belohnungen für verschiedene Trees zu machen Speziell für Events, für Uniques und Pvp
    und für jeden Tree andere Belohnung die man für den jeweiligen Bereich gebrauchen könnte wie Low lvl +8 Weapons Kleine dresses wie zb ne Mütze oder sowas und für Uniques etc dann Berserk Scrolls spezielle Reittiere, Dinge die es in der inGame mall nicht gibt...
    Damit man nicht nur Uniques killen muss um Styx-Points zu erlangen.

    Ihr wollt ja auch bissjen was verdienen ;-)