Heieieiei, da musst du aber noch viel tun
Lehrer: What are your hobbys?
In my free time i play football since i was a child. I started play football in ...(Verein), but now Im play for ...(Verein). In the weekend I always go out with friends and go to the cinemas or bars.
Lehrer: Who pays for that?
A part my parents and a part me. I get pocket money and have a part time job at ...(Firma).
My favourite hobby is football, which I am playing since I was a child. The first football-club I joined was the xyz. I used to stay there for about x years. Actually I am a member of the zyx club, I entered about x years/month ago. I changed it because...(hier kannst du sehr schön reden!).
Additional to that I use to go out with friends an the weekend for partying, meeting each other and enjoing our freetime in cinemas or bars.
Who pays for that?
Actually my parents are paying for the football-club (nehme ich mal an), and normally I am paying by my own when I go out. That is possible for me because I get pocket money from my parents and because I am working at (Firma), where I am earning enough for my other interests.
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