Beiträge von ~SilkGladiator~
# NEW Server: Persian Empire | 125 CAP is coming!
Spend your winter immersed in Sailor Online’s incredible leveling journey sailing through all game's history from Constantinople and Jangan to the magical town of Baghdad!
We’re dedicated to making your leveling experience unforgettable. Here’s how:
*Balanced Leveling Pace:** We’ve carefully adjusted experience requirements at every level, so you can progress smoothly without getting stuck in any one area.
*Enhanced EXP Gains where it matters:** Earn boosted experience in Forgotten World and all other dungeons.
*Increased Quest Rewards:** Quest experience rewards have been raised to keep your progression exciting.
*NEW Winter Sailor Pass:** Unlock rewards based on your character level, not job level, with the winter-themed Sailor Pass available from day one.
*Low Level PvP Activities:** Events like Capture the Flag will be active throughout your leveling journey, rewarding you with Experience Boosters and other valuable items.
*Winter Event:** Hunt White Knight and Princess Miyene, collect Snow Flakes and earn amazing rewards including super rare custom made winter visuals and many more.
*Important Macro Improvements:** Stay on track even with limited playtime, while maintaining the original, no-bot experience.
*Meaningful Gear Progression:** Valuable items for future gear upgrades are obtainable along your leveling path, making each milestone matter.
See you all December 13th, prepare to set sail!
wie gesagt, ich hab da nur Freunde und das bleibt auch so
wüsste nicht wieso ich irgendwelchen randoms ausm Silkroadforum Bilder aus meinem Alltag schicken sollte
mag sein, dass du es gerne machst
ich nichtpff wir sind keine random leute wir sind freunde seit 15 jahren dann geh ich nun
Viel spaß euch