Beiträge von ~SilkGladiator~
At Sailor Online, we believe in full transparency, so here’s a closer look at the monster servers hosting the Persian Empire! Below are screenshots of the two dedicated servers that will power the Grand Opening and ensure an incredible experience for all.
Each server is equipped with a 16TB RAID 10 setup using M.2 storage. This means we get 8TB of usable capacity and 8TB of protection for reliable performance and data safety. To make it even better, backups are created every 15 minutes, so your data is always secure.
With a combined connection speed of over 12GB thanks to advanced load balancers, we’re making sure everything runs smoothly and without interruptions. Get ready for an unforgettable journey in the Persian Empire!
welche exp stats hat der Server
Wird alles heute Abend bekannt gegeben.
# Our game system will be released on Elitepvpers tomorrow!
The Persian Empire game system is officially releasing on Elitepvpers. Introducing a system and new features you, our community will love! This is your chance to discover all the latest features and system changes.
We've surpassed our expectations and are confident this will be the most exciting high CAP server release to date!
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