Beiträge von ~SilkGladiator~
Snapchat Story haben 28 Leute gesehen xD
natürlich ist das cringe man
ich hab mir meine vorgeschlagenen „Flashbacks“ von Snapchat angeguckt
also diese „an diesem Tag vor 5 Jahren“ Galerie
und anscheinend bin ich unten auf den Button „Storys“ gekommen und der packt das Video dann direkt in die Story.Halloooooooooooooooo
Ready to set sail?
Your best-ever adventure is in the making... An adventure that will reignite your love for this game!
We are building a server for the whole community of this game.
A server on which high-cap enthusiasts will feel at home.
A server on which low-cap enthusiasts will feel welcome and familiar, having the opportunity of finally experiencing something completely new on this game!
**COMING NEXT:** Closed Beta Testing *(our PE test server is fully setup and ready to start welcoming eligible users, more information will be given very soon).*