Beiträge von ~SilkGladiator~
New internal client debug function:
Joymax created a client-sided analyzer to determine all drops from grinding mobs/uniques. This was probably used when developing the Legend 23 update to verify the number of boxes dropped from Temple of Destruction uniques was accurate (they don't stack, they drop like 35+ boxes per unique, devs were probably so lazy to count and check for each unique).
The function stores drop data in the client's memory and prints the results into a text file automatically generated in your client's directory once the function is stopped.
Use the visual GM console to execute the 3 commands:
/dropitemstart - Starts logging drop items into memory.
/dropitem - ?
/dropitemend - Prints the results to your client directory in a file called "DropItemList.txt"
GOLD [ 0 ]
// Equip Kind [ 0 ] Total [ 0 ]
// Etc Kind [ 3 ] Total [ 3 ]
Monk's Token [ ITEM_ETC_LEVEL_TOKEN_01 ] [ 1 ]
Specialty Goods Box [ ITEM_TRADE_SPECIAL_BOX ] [ 1 ]```