Beiträge von ~SilkGladiator~
Can you believe it? The time has almost come!
After 974 days, Sailor Online is finally opening a new server! A server that will accompany you for the years to come, a server that will be a home for all of you.
An escape from real-life problems, an unwind after a hard day at work. A way to socialize and while this might sound odd, it isn't! Making friends in Sailor is making friends in life. This is not a 1-month server, this is an adventure for years to come. This experience can create some real friendships and I am sure many of you have already experienced that.
It is a very rare moment for this game, for this scene. Persian Empire's Grand Opening is set to relive this game, to relive your memories, and to offer you new, better ones.
This is a server that no player who still loves this game should miss. Because if you miss it you will be here next year on our cap expansion regretting that you didn't join earlier and asking for a new server which won't be coming.
As eAM, I can confidently say this server represents the best of Sailor Online and this game. I've never seen MegaMax more passionate and hard-working than on Persian Empire preparations. The game was never looking better before and it is all thanks to him. I am also sure those who tried our beta phase felt it. It truly makes me proud knowing the quality of the server you guys will be enjoying starting this Friday!
I can't wait to sail with all of you for the years to come. Like any journey, there will be highs and lows, but as long as we sail together with such an incredible community onboard, every moment will be worth it!
So, from me, hail Sailor!
Kollege meinte das häufig die Grafikkarte separat zugeschickt wird wenn man einen pc bestellt
weil die mittlerweile so schwer sind, dass es während der Lieferung zu Schäden kommen kann
meine wird im eingebauten Zustand geliefert
muss ich jetzt Angst haben, dass die Schrott ankommt oder wasAber trotzdem glaube ich nicht dass deine GPU schon verbaut sein wird. Bin gespannt
Kollege meinte das häufig die Grafikkarte separat zugeschickt wird wenn man einen pc bestellt
weil die mittlerweile so schwer sind, dass es während der Lieferung zu Schäden kommen kann
meine wird im eingebauten Zustand geliefert
muss ich jetzt Angst haben, dass die Schrott ankommt oder wasnein da ist ein fetter styropor klotz im PC