Keks es is nix besonderes gewesen. Sie hat mich bisschen beschissen. Hat halt mit irgendeinem besoffenem rumgemacht auf ner party. Sie hat gemeint er hätt sie geküsst is mir aber schnuppe. Kuss is kuss
Beiträge von Coban
Ich hab in den letzten 2 rankeds jeweils 1 leaver gehabt -86 elo bin jz voll frustriert
Try It / Solve It
1. Consider the entity STUDENT. You are all students in a class. However, each one of
you is a unique instance of that entity. Your teacher will lead you through an exercise
to demonstrate this.2. Think about the last time you went to get a haircut, permanent, manicure, or other
service from a barbershop or hair salon.
Discuss the business of a barbershop or hair salon. Name the entities that are the
“main things” about this business. Give examples of instances for each entity.3. The goal of this activity is to learn to make a distinction between an entity, an
attribute, and an instance of an entity. List which of the following concepts you think
is an entity, attribute, or instance. If you determine that one is an entity, then give an
example of an instance. If you determine that one is an attribute or an instance, give a
sample entity name. For the last three rows, find a concept that fits.
Concept Entity? Attribute? Instance? Example instance or EntityKann mir iwer hier die Antworten geben ich kenn mich garnicht aus
Geht ums ERM