Ich würd gerne einen Acc haben, weil ich schon voll lange nicht mehr iSRO gezockt habe und Bow mein Lieblingsbuild ist.
Beiträge von bloodsoul
Leute, ihr müsst euch die News von der IAEA durchlesen und nicht den dreck aus den Nachrichten
Based on information provided by Japanese authorities, the IAEA can confirm the following information about the status of Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 at Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant.
All four units automatically shut down on 11 March. All units have off-site power and water levels in all units are stable. Though preparations have been made to do so, there has been no venting to control pressure at any of the plant´s units.
At Unit 1, plant operators were able to restore a residual heat remover system, which is now being used to cool the reactor. Work is in progress to achieve a cold shutdown of the reactor.
Workers at Units 2 and 4 are working to restore residual heat removal systems.
Unit 3 is in a safe, cold shutdown.
So wies scheint ist alles unter kontrolle