Also da gehste auf player ich hab fuer meinen bieten lassen(kenne da schon einige) und hab ein ziemlich hoches gebot bekommen ... Mit fast aehnlichen stats
Mfg drago
( ps. Ca 70 bis 100 vllt sogar bis 120 euro fuer deinen weil wenig skins schlechte elo)
10 euro fuer ein lvl 30 acc... Leute haltet euch raus wenn ihr nicht wisst wovon ihr redet
Beiträge von dragostena
War eben extra nochmal ingame... es ist wirklich möglich... seitwann haben die das denn gemacht? darauf hab ich knapp 3 jahre gewartet und habs dann verpasst^^
naja trotzdem ne schöne sache für Leute die gerne tüffteln.
nebenbei war es lange nicht möglich und das war die einzige möglichkeit tasten mit kombinationsmöglichkeiten zu belegen
damit stehst du nicht alleine da ._.
Ich spiele alle champs mit smartcast (ausser diana Q)
und wenn du (verzeih mir Bolukas ich klaue mir mal dein Beispiel) lux spielst und genau sehen willst wie du triffst und ob die Reichweite und alles in ordnung ist kannst du Smartcast auf Q,W,E,R und Normal cast auf ALT+ Q,W,E,R legen WAS NORMAL NICHT MÖGLICH IST.
was der sinn dahiner ist? wenn du spells insbesondere skillshot von der reichweite begutachten willst ist das ideal
Kannst du was?
Ich bin mal so frei und führe deine Aussage aus.
Also hast du Fähigkeiten die von Nutzen sein könnte?
- Bildbearbeitung
Wenn ich fragen darf, wieso muss es im Internet sein?
manche Wochenenden tuh ich neber der Arbeit (als BSP.) bei der Frankfurter Messe helfen und verdiene mir so zum Lohn was dazu
ist sowas vllt etwas für dich? ODER willst du nur im Internet was machen?
PS: Jetzt verarscht den mal net so^^
Ich würde das prinzipiell nicht machen, kenne da so viele Fälle wo es anders ausgegangen ist als ihr behauptet
guckt weniger Galileo und schmeißt mehr Lebensmittel weg!
die Industrie mischt so viel Chemie mit in alle Lebensmittel, da kann man sich nie auf den Qualitätsverlauf verlassen, ich mache sogar geruchs und geschmackstest bei dingen die noch 2-3 tage VOR dem MHD sindbtw ich arbeite in der Lebensmittelbranche und habe Ahnung und bin sehr penibel (höhö er hat fast penis gesagt)
Genau so sehe ich das auch, Habe auch in der Lebensmittelbranche gearbeitet und da sollte man sehr vorsichtig sein.
Vllt probierst du ein wenig mal riechst dran, dann solltest du es essen können (aber wenn du da auch etwas penibel bist schmeiss es besser weg auch wenn es schade um das Geld ist)
Gruß Drago
Und wenn mich wer 10 mal was fragt Antworte ich einfach....
bringt es dir was so was zu schreiben? lass dein Frust im rl aus....
das tut nichts mehr zum Thema wenn du wirklich über so ein Mist mit mir debattieren willst, pm mich einfach
Gruß Drago
Ja und anstatt sowas zu schreiben kannst du ihm doch auch gleich Antworten, tut doch nicht weh.
Dafür ist Hilfe doch da...
da würd ich ja das kotzen bekommen wenn ich ne frage stell und mir wer sone antwort vorknüppelt
Introduction to Effective Health
There's a popular misconception floating around that if the enemy team starts building a lot of percentage armor penetration, you need to build more health. Why would you invest in armor when that Kha'Zix reduces 25% of it with his Black Cleaver and then penetrates over 35% of your remaining armor with a Last Whisper? You get so little real armor from your armor items that the real secret to surviving burst casters is building more health. Right?Well, that's not very true. As I'll discuss in this article, what you should really be concerned about is your effective HP. It's your EHP that determines how much damage you can sponge before you die, and it's related to both health and resists; they complement each other. Stacking health without gaining armor means that each point of health is quite ineffective, and stacking resists with a low health pool makes each point of health effective but you have fewer of them (incidentally, SivHD's Potion Master Garen relies entirely on the concept of EHP). Because of how the equations work out,
It makes sense when you actually think about it. Simply by ignoring a portion of your armor, each point of health you have sponges less damage. So building health becomes less efficient by the existence of arpen. Of course, the same thing can be said of magic resist and magic penetration, but I often see this argument in response to AD midlaners.
So wait, what is the point of this article? Most of my musings revolve around AD carries (mostly because they're the most controlled environment. Their base stats vary very little and they have relatively few itemization choices, so they're far easier to compare than top laners or junglers for instance). An AD carry will usually only have a single slot to allocate to a defensive item - usually Guardian Angel. I realize that the passive is useful, but are there viable item alternatives that could be considered against a bursty AD team?
Could it be that the revered Guardian Angel isn't perfect in 100% of situations?
Fairly Ugly Mathematics (Read if you Dare)
The basic equations for effective health are not too difficult. At 0 armor and magic resist, your effective health is equal to your HP and then is increased by 1% for each point of resists you have. Formalized, that's merely:PhysEHP = HP * (1 + Armor/100)
MagEHP = HP * (1 + MR/100)The point of this article is to find the amount of bonus EHP that each defensive item would provide to an AD carry, so the above equations need to be changed so that they can show the change in EHP by adding health or resists. Furthermore, I'm interested to see whether penetration items on the enemy team change the "ideal" defensive item, so I also added flat and percentage penetration into the expressions. Rather than bore everyone with a step-by-step walkthrough of the algebra, I'll just summarize and present the final equations as truth.…I/s1600/EHP+Equations.png
Overall, this equation is just used to generate the Excel numbers in the later sections, and the ambitious could also use it to get maximally tankier in other lanes/roles. If you inspect the terms though, you can see why health is countered just as hard as armor is by percent penetration: the "1 - %Arpen" term is multiplied to both the armor and HP terms inside the huge parentheses. The final term also points out the main difference between %arpen and flat arpen: flat penetration makes flat health more inefficient while scaling penetration degrades the value of your health pool.
But the next step is to get the BaseHP, BaseArmor, and BaseMR values for the equation by figuring out stats a standard AD carry would have.
Meet our Hero, the Most Average ADC in the World
To get a standard value for health, armor, and magic resist for an AD carry, I averaged the stats at level 18 for the thirteen main ADCs. I then assumed:Additional HP Sources
30 HP from Veteran's Scars Mastery
108 HP from Durability Mastery
Additional Armor Sources
6 Armor from the Hardiness Mastery
10 Armor from a teammate's Runic Bulwark
12.69 Armor from nine flat armor seals.
Additional MR Sources
2 MR from the Resistance Mastery
30 MR from a teammate's Runic Bulwark
24.3 MR from nine scaling MR glyphs.This means that the most typical AD carry in the world would have 2010 health, 101 armor, and 86 magic resist at level eighteen. These are the values I'll be using for the EHP calculations to come.
The Raw Charts
A lot of plugging and chugging later, I came up with two huge charts for "how much more EHP does this item give me". The items ranged in price from 1660g for Quicksilver Sash (listed on the charts as Mercurial Scimitar, but the upgrade doesn't improve its defenses at all) up to 3300g for Frozen Mallet.In some cases, there were actives and passives to consider that provide bonus health or shielding. These three items have two entries each in the tables depending on the cooldown status of the active/passive.
Locket of the Iron Solari's active provides up to a 230 point shield to yourself and allies on a 60s cooldown.
Guardian Angel resurrects your champion at 30% of their maximum health every 5m. For our typical AD carry, that's 600 extra health.
Maw of Malmortius gives a 400 point shield against only magic damage every 90s. Notice that since this shield only works on magic damage, the active only improves magical EHP.The charts look more intimidating than they really are. There are four big groups on each chart, with each group representing how much penetration the enemy has that's hitting you. After all, armor will give less EHP against a BC/LW enemy than it would against an itemless enemy.
Physical Effective Health Increases…ZM/s1600/PhysEHPChart.pngMagical Effective Health Increases…8lk/s1600/MagEHPChart.pngThe Infallible Guardian Angel
Frankly, I don't think that any numbers I find or statements I make will convince many people that Guardian Angel isn't the defensive item they'd want on an AD carry (except for those times when QSS is sorely needed). People just really like the passive, the insurance policy against dumb positioning or being focused hard. The argument certainly has merits.Guardian Angel offers both armor and magic resist, being one of only three items in the game that offers mixed resistances. The advantage to increasing both EHPs via resistances rather than building more flat health is that lifesteal is more effective. Each point of returned health is worth a lot of effective health so you increase your sustained survivability by building GA.
You have overkill protection. That last move that pops your GA? It doesn't matter if it's a 40 damage autoattack from the support or a 600 damage Karthus ultimate. All the extra damage that goes into popping the passive is wasted rather than further depleting your post-resurrection health pool.
Redirects focus. The two or so seconds that you spend resurrecting after the passive pops can sometimes be enough for the enemy team's focus to redirect to another target, giving you a chance to take advantage of the confusion as a big damage dealer re-enters the fight. Buying other defensive items still means their bruisers may chase you until you're dead, end of story.
Hampers the reset. This may be niche, but some teamcomps rely fairly heavily on getting resets from kills or assists. The same two second delay that redirects focus also prevents champions like Katarina and Master Yi from getting their damaging moves to come back off of cooldown via resets, and that can sway the fight heavily in your favor.Of course, there are also some drawbacks. It's ultimately up to the reader whether these constitute a compelling enough argument to consider the other defensive options.
Building mixed resists over health increases the value of your lifesteal, but also makes you more susceptible to true damage. Irelia, Vayne, Cho'Gath, Darius, Olaf, and others all deal significant true damage, and frankly, even red buff adds up quickly over time. Defending against these damage sources would be better accomplished with health.
Guardian Angel only really makes you tanky if you include the 30% health on resurrection into the calculations, which can only happen every five minutes. The charts above show that in terms of physical defense, GA with the passive down is in the lower 40% of the defensive item options and is more or less the worst choice for magic resist. The values are good when the passive is up, but that's not entirely reliable. For perspective, a Karthus with a Void Staff would only need ONE more Lay Waste to kill you with a no-passive GA compared to a pure glass cannon AD.
That resurrection has the potential to be really awkward. I've seen many carries get caught, have their GA passive popped, then resurrect to five enemy champions camping their corpse. Then the passive (which is really what makes GA strong to begin with) is down for the next crucial teamfight. Or sometimes the passive triggers midway through the fight but all your teammates are dead by the time you resurrect. Or even if you're zoned out of the fight by a high damage bruiser and then lose your duel, you'll probably be camped on your spawn. Yes, it's dependent on who you're playing, the skill of the player, and whether your escape abilities are up, but it's undeniable that sometimes the GA passive nets you nothing in the teamfight. It reminds me of the common argument against building tenacity on ADCs: if you're out of position enough to be CC'd, tenacity won't save you.So here's where I get contentious. I'm going to (gasp!) suggest alternatives to Guardian Angel.
Randuin's Omen
The main appeal of buying Randuin's would be unmatched physical defense. No other item will give as much defense against physical damage dealers for an AD carry. The combination of high armor and high health makes Randuin's a potent defensive item. If you're getting bursted down by an AD assassin or their mage was crippled early game and doesn't deal relevant damage, Randuin's may keep you alive better than anything else in the game. Randuin's offers 200-300% more effective health than a GA with the passive on cooldown, and even out-EHPs Guardian Angel when you include the 30% HP on resurrection. This is true whether the enemy has stacked penetration or is just rocking a Last Whisper and nothing else.In fact, the 500 flat health on Randuin's also makes it offer better magical defense than a Guardian Angel with the passive on cooldown. While not something I'd recommend when facing a heavy AP team, Randuin's gives about the same magical tankiness as a Quicksilver Sash would - nothing to scoff at.
Randuin's also gives quite good dueling and kiting capabilities. Merely attacking you causes the enemy to get a 20% AS debuff and a 10% MS debuff which should make right click battles with the enemy AD carry goes entirely in your favor. The active (once per 60s) can also provide limited self-peel in a teamfight. Pop an AoE slow and kite away raining pain and death upon your foes.
There are, of course, disadvantages. Randuin's Omen costs 3100g, putting it on the more expensive side of all the considered items and 500g more than Guardian Angel. The increased health pool also makes lifesteal slightly worse (but while making true damage less painful). Overall, I couldn't recommend this if you're against AP assassins, but against bruisers and AD mids this is a really undervalued item.
Summary: The BEST item for physical defense in any situation, an amazing active and passive. Make sure you can afford it and don't build it against multiple AP comps.
Locket of the Iron Solari
Another item that stood out for me, Locket is fantastic if you reliably remember its active. For a mere 2000g this item is one of the least expensive on this list. If you reliably sponge damage with the shield active, Locket gives top tier physical defense and as much magic defense as a Quicksilver Sash would - both higher than a Guardian Angel without the passive. Other benefits are that Locket gives this 230 point shield to your entire team (although if other teammates have Lockets, repeated actives within 8s are only half as strong) and provides hard-to-find CDR for an AD carry.The disadvantages, in my mind, are that a big portion of Locket's tankiness comes from remembering to use the active. With the burden on the player its much more error prone than the automatic trigger of the GA or Maw passives. Additionally, if money is no option then there are better choices. Locket of the Iron Solari seems strong for an AD carry that is a little behind and starved for cash, not one miles ahead with gold to spare.
Summary: Very EFFICIENT item for tanking that offers CDR too. Best on poorer ADCs and not good if you forget the active or are against multiple AP comps.
Warmog's Armor
Yes, it sounds a little silly. But since it emphasizes health so strongly, Warmog's gives very high physical and magical EHP and gives the best mixed tankiness out of any item. It's also only 50g more expensive than Guardian Angel. That said...I don't actually think Warmog's has good synergy with the AD carry role. Massively increasing your health pool hurts the value of lifesteal significantly (moreso than the other items on this list that offer half or less of this amount), and the passive is catered more to high HP monsters who sustain back up between fights instead of damage dealers who depend on sustain to be able to stay in fights the entire time. It just seems like an item for a different role to me. Maybe it could work with a non-lifesteal based build path, but that'd be a topic for another day's musings.
Summary: Probably a good buy if there are both AD and AP assassins on the other team that threaten to burst you, but the lack of a worthwhile passive and non-synergy with ADCs make other items a better buy in most cases.
Magic Focused Items
Now I take a shortcut and lump all the magic resist items together. Honestly, I haven't been seeing many AP heavy team compositions lately, and I think most of the champions that dive onto AD carries or otherwise present unavoidable damage are attack damage based, so armor shouldn't be dismissed lightly. In most cases, I think the classic Guardian Angel is enough insurance against magical burst or one of the armor/HP items like Randuin's or Locket (discussed above).Now if you're really that terrified of the AP damage on the other team, there are options.
Quicksilver Sash / Mercurial Scimitar is a requirement against some team compositions. If the other team has suppression or can easily pick you off with chained hard CCs, then the active on QSS/MS is more important than any amount of tankiness than other items would provide. Some players also just prefer this over beefing up, like the ADs that run Cleanse on absolutely everyone.
If the damage and MR of the Mercurial Scimitar appeal to you but you don't need the active, then Maw of Malmortius offers entirely better magical defense because of the 400 point shield, as well as higher attack damage for most HP values. It's a great item, assuming you're not worried about their AD threats or crowd control.
If you want some mixed defenses but just want to focus more heavily on the magic side of things, Banshee's Veil and Runic Bulwark seem the strongest options. Banshee's has the side benefit of the spell shield (which can either block a huge damage spell or a measly poke depending on how careful you are) and is quite inexpensive at 2500g. On the other hand, Runic Bulwark offers the best magic defense in the game (because of the combination of the health and magic resist) along with solid physical defense, but lacks any utility that the other items in this discussion bring.Summary: Magic oriented defensive items are far more situational. Usually you're better suited going with the Guardian Angel staple or an armor item unless you need the cleanse active on Quicksilver Sash or are greedy and want the bonus damage on Maw of Malmortius.
The long awaited tl;dr for this massive essay. For AD carries, Guardian Angel just doesn't make them particularly tanky when its passive is down; the effective HP bonuses it grants are lower than the vast majority of other defensive items I examined. The only reason to build Guardian Angel (big shocker right here) is if you need the resurrection.If your personal experience says that you usually die instantly after coming out of GA, then you may be better served by building Randuin's Omen (super strong anti-AD item, useful every fight instead of every five minutes, matches GA for magic defense) or Locket of the Iron Solari if you're poor and need to catch up. Most of the other items I looked at seemed quite niche or didn't have impressive EHP numbers compared to these options.
So yeah. As crazy as it sounds, try building Randuin's Omen or Locket of the Iron Solari on your AD carries. There are some definite upsides to both, and the only way we can continue to evolve this game is by going out and actually trying new things.
Ein sehr interessanter Text wie ich finde. Ein bisschen was zum nachdenken aber auch für die Experten gut zu gebrauchen
--> http://derbatteryrising.blogsp…-out-of-effective-hp.html
Hier ein Shop-simulator, den ich doch als ganz nützlich empfinde um ein guten Überblick über die neuen Items zu bekommen und ein Eindruck vom neuen Shop bekommt
Zum Shop-SimulatorUnd hier alle neuen Items im Überblick :
Hier die Änderungen der Masteries :
Viel spaß damit
Hier alles nötige was ihr zum bauen eurer eigenen Input config braucht :
Alle Hotkeys mit Standartbelegung erstmal hier :
Q - Use champion's 1st ability. For abilities that target a champion, you must follow this by either left-clicking the champion or pressing F1-F5 to target a team member. Same for W, E, and R.
W - Use champion's 2nd ability.
E - Use champion's 3rd ability.
R - Use champion's ultimate ability.
Ctrl+Q - Add an ability point to the champion's 1st ability.
Ctrl+W - Add an ability point to the champion's 2nd ability.
Ctrl+E - Add an ability point to the champion's 3rd ability.
Ctrl+R - Add an ability point to the champion's ultimate ability.
Alt+Q / Q+F1 - Cast champion's 1st ability on self (must be a support spell).
Alt+W / W+F1 - Cast champion's 2nd ability on self (must be a support spell).
Alt+E / E+F1 - Cast champion's 3rd ability on self (must be a support spell).
Alt+R / R+F1 - Cast champion's 4th ability on self (must be a support spell).
Shift+Q - Smart cast champion's 1st ability.
Shift+W - Smart cast champion's 2nd ability.
Shift+E - Smart cast champion's 3rd ability.
Shift+R - Smart cast champion's 4th ability.
A - Attack Move (Champion moves to point, stopping to attack any enemies along the way).
S - Stop Command (Champion stops their current course of action).
H - Hold Command (Hold works like Stop, but is toggled while held down).
D - Cast 1st Summoner spell.
F - Cast 2nd Summoner spell.
Numbers (1 to 6) - Use Item in corresponding inventory slot.
B or 7 - Recall (formerly known as Blue Pill).
Esc - Close current window, such as the shop.
M - Open Map for the current Field of Justice.
C - Open champion statistics page.
G - Toggle alert ping cursor.
Y - Lock camera on champion.
Space - Center camera on champion (holding Space will hold the camera on the champion until released).
O - Open match stats page/leaderboard.
Tab - Open match stats page/leaderboard (unlike O, the screen will disappear when the Tab button is released)
V - Toggle retreat ping cursor. Clicking with this hotkey on an allied champion (or their icon in the upper left area of the screen) will show an alert telling that specific champion to fall back.
Ctrl+L - Cycle through minion health bar views.
Shift+L - Turn off champion health bars.
Shift+K - Turn off summoner names above champion health bars.
P - Open item shop.
Arrow keys - Scroll camera in the corresponding direction.
Alt+left click - Ping location.
Ctrl+left click - Retreat Ping location.
Alt+right click - Command Pet (E.g Tibbers).
Shift+right click - Attack Move.
F2-F5 - Move camera to corresponding ally champion (camera must be unlocked).
F12 - Take a screenshot.
Alt + - -- removes HUD
Enter - Create chat cursor.
Shift+Enter - Open chat with "/all" already written.
Ctrl+F - Toggle the numeric frames-per-second and latency display.
Z - Open chat history.
1-6 - Use designated Active Ability Items.Hier alle Kommandos die zur Verfügung stehen :
/help - Lists / commands and provides descriptions
/surrender or /ff - Starts vote for team surrender
/joke, /j or Ctrl+1 - Plays Champion's joke
/taunt, /t or Ctrl+2 - Plays Champion's taunt
/dance, /d or Ctrl+3 - Starts the Champion dance sequence
/laugh, /l or Ctrl+4 - Plays Champion's laughHier findet ihr eure Input.ini :
Das hier ist eine Komplette Input.ini mit Standardtastenbelegung
evtOpenShop=[p]evtShowConsole = [Return],[NumEnter]
evtShowAllConsole = [Shift] [Return], [Shift] [NumEnter]
evntPlayerPing=[alt][Button 1]
evntPlayerPingDanger=[ctrl][Button 1]evtPlayerAttackMoveClick=[Shift] [Button 2]
evtPlayerStopPosition=[s ]
evtPetMoveClick = [Alt] [Button 2]
evtPetReturn = [Alt] [Button 1]evtPlayerMoveClick=[Button 2]
evtOnUIMouse4Pan=[Button 3]evtEmoteJoke=[Ctrl] [1]
evtEmoteTaunt=[Ctrl] [2]
evtEmoteDance=[Ctrl] [3]
evtEmoteLaugh=[Ctrl] [4]evtShowHealthBars=[Shift] [l]
evtToggleMinionHealthBars=[Ctrl] [l]
evtShowSummonerNames=[Shift] [k]
evtDrawHud=[F5]evtScrollUp=[Up Arrow]
evtScrollDown=[Down Arrow]
evtScrollLeft=[Left Arrow]
evtScrollRight=[Right Arrow][HUDEvents]
evtToggleFPSAndLatency=[Ctrl] [f]Ihr wollt Smartcast auf Q,W,E,R und Normalcast auf ALT+ Q,W,E,R ?
evtSmartCastSpell1 = [q]
evtSmartCastSpell2 = [w]
evtSmartCastSpell3 = [e]
evtSmartCastSpell4 = [r]
evtSmartCastAvatarSpell1 = [d]
evtSmartCastAvatarSpell2 = [f]evtCastSpell4 = [r][Shift]
evtCastSpell3 = [e][Shift]
evtCastSpell2 = [w][Shift]
evtCastSpell1 = [q][Shift]
evtCastAvatarSpell1 = [d][Shift]
evtCastAvatarSpell2 = [f][Shift]Alles Nötige habe ich dieser Seite entnommen und das wichtigste zusammengefasst
Das hier ist meine Input.ini (ich modifiziere nur wenig daran, damit ich bei änderungen am Keybinding System nicht zuviel ändern muss)
MFG Drago
PS: für die Leute, wie ich, die sich für die inis von Lol beschäftigen hier eine Seite die mir gut geholfen hat
Kannte es schon hab den Link in den Lesezeichen, Aber bis ich es verstanden hab hat echt etwas gedauert.Liegt bestimmt an der Uhrzeit...
Habs soweit alles schon getestet. Funktioniert.
Nur mal zum Abgleich ist bei dir die "Input.ini" in diesem Pfad?
"C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config\Input.ini"
So geht´s
"It's strange that binding alt+q doesn't work for regular casting in game, but there is a way around it.
Open this with notepad:
C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\release s\\deploy\DATA\CFG\input.iniFind:
Add in:
evtCastSpell4 = [alt][r]
evtCastSpell3 = [alt][e]
evtCastSpell2 = [alt][w]
evtCastSpell1 = [alt][q]
evtCastAvatarSpell1 = [Alt][d]
evtCastAvatarSpell2 = [Alt][f]evtSmartCastSpell1 = [q]
evtSmartCastSpell2 = [w]
evtSmartCastSpell3 = [e]
evtSmartCastSpell4 = [r]
evtSmartCastAvatarSpell1 = [d]
evtSmartCastAvatarSpell2 = [f]evtSelfCastSpell1 = [shift][q]
evtSelfCastSpell2 = [shift][w]
evtSelfCastSpell3 = [shift][e]
evtSelfCastSpell4 = [shift][r]
evtSelfCastAvatarSpell1 = [shift][d]
evtSelfCastAvatarSpell2 = [shift][f]
This will change it to:
Alt = regular cast
Shift = self cast
No modifier = smart castIf any of these lines are already in the file, delete them so you don't have duplicates of a keybind.
AvatarSpell1 and 2 are summoner spells."….php?t=438354#post5310341bei mir ist der Pfad : C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config
hab euch die Config ini hochgeladen, müsst nichts mehr machen ausser einfügen und freuen -
Und wieso "bindest" du Smartcast nicht auf 1,2,3,4 und normal casting auf q,w,e,r und item usage kannst du auf die mausseitentaste legen
Wenn du Smartcast drinne hast einfach linksklick auf den skill und schon hast du es
Ich hab nur abends Zeit ggn 20 uhr
mfg Drago -
Ich nutze dieses hier:
Steelseries Mousepad -
Ist kein hartes mousepad, sagt mir zu und funktioniert einwandfreisolche harten mousepads wie hier empfehle ich persönlich NICHT (
Da diese sich abnutzen und das sehr sehr ärgerlich ist -