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grunde genommen ist nicht der Programmierer schuld sondern (wir) die es usen...
ganz erlich die jetzt sagen das clientless "scheisse" ist benutzen es dann doch selber und haben ihre 8pt am laufen und dann immer noch "flamen" das clientless scheisse ist da der server zu voll ist..
meine meinung finde ich clientless gar nicht so schlimm wenn man es in grenzen hält aber nicht jeder ist gleich.. und haben mach andere seine 8-16 chars am laufen
die leute die sagen "clientless zertört esro" leute esro ist auch ohne clientless für mich zerstört... der Admin macht doch rein gar nichts ... der achtet nur auf sein Geld wie es jeden tag immer und immer mehr wird.
Hauptsache der Server läuft 24/7
nur eine kleine info neben bei
Gm want just Money and do nothing
From Synx and Skyline,
So, after some days thinking, and finally, after a conversation with the Admin, I've decided to leave the EliteSRO "Team".
There are many reasons about why I'm leaving, I don't know if Skyline will leave too, that's his decision, but this is mines, and this is one of the main reasons:
05/08/2011 17:54:50 Skyline
andrew here?
05/08/2011 17:54:56 Admin
05/08/2011 17:55:07 Synx
we want to talk to you
05/08/2011 17:55:23 Admin
05/08/2011 17:55:34 Synx
you will be here enough time or you have to leave soon? for avoid broken conversations
05/08/2011 17:56:04 Admin
at least 30mins
05/08/2011 17:56:16 Synx
ok so
05/08/2011 17:56:24 Synx
do you remember why are we working on esro for free?
05/08/2011 17:57:42 Skyline
05/08/2011 17:58:11 Admin
yes,help me
05/08/2011 17:58:49 Synx
yeah, but for what we want to help you? it consumes lifetime, and we are on summer holidays
05/08/2011 17:59:02 Skyline
yeah we got so much freetime
05/08/2011 17:59:04 Synx
the reason because we are helping you is because we want elite to become a great server
05/08/2011 17:59:17 Synx
but money is making you blind
05/08/2011 17:59:46 Synx
you are already planning making new servers, and you dont even notice how bad is the situation on the current ones
05/08/2011 18:00:05 Skyline
and we accept that you dont want to ban paying bots
05/08/2011 18:00:23 Skyline
its not our oppinion but its understandable that you dont want to loose costoumers
05/08/2011 18:00:52 Admin
p2p will slove the bot issue
05/08/2011 18:00:58 Synx
yes, but that doesn't means everyone can do whatever they want, and thats how elite servers are going right now
05/08/2011 18:01:12 Skyline
people start screaming
05/08/2011 18:01:16 Skyline
about scamming
05/08/2011 18:01:19 Skyline
about no events
05/08/2011 18:01:21 Synx
yes, on the new servers, but not on the current ones
05/08/2011 18:01:27 Skyline
every private server has events
05/08/2011 18:01:44 Synx
not only events, ingame support
05/08/2011 18:02:05 Synx
I already talked to you about it 2 days ago, and you just came with the "I had bad experiences" phrase
05/08/2011 18:02:13 Synx
which doesnt makes any sense on the current situation
05/08/2011 18:02:19 Admin
yes,thats my reason
05/08/2011 18:02:28 Skyline
we help you
05/08/2011 18:02:31 Skyline
for ~ 3 months now
05/08/2011 18:02:37 Skyline
i dont know exactly
05/08/2011 18:02:45 Skyline
do you think we would abuse our power?
05/08/2011 18:02:50 Synx
silkroad is not like the other game servers you had
05/08/2011 18:03:01 Synx
and we are not like the other teams you had on those servers
05/08/2011 18:03:03 Admin
I do this(pserver) for 5 years
05/08/2011 18:03:29 Admin
Experienced too much
05/08/2011 18:03:43 Skyline
time for some new experience?
05/08/2011 18:03:52 Skyline
if you see us abusing once u can take it right away
05/08/2011 18:04:08 Synx
on your other servers there was so much botting, scamming and academy farming?
05/08/2011 18:04:35 Skyline
but i think we deserve a chance
05/08/2011 18:04:43 Synx
the server is going to die on less than 3 months if this continues like that
05/08/2011 18:04:44 Admin
No, I don't know why you ask me again and again for this question
05/08/2011 18:05:09 Skyline
i can tell you
05/08/2011 18:05:18 Synx
because we want to let you know that we are doing this for free because we want to make esro better
05/08/2011 18:05:26 Synx
and if we cant do it better, we have nothing to do here
05/08/2011 18:05:30 Skyline
1. we spend much time into esro and we dont want to loose the good beginning
05/08/2011 18:06:15 Synx
im not spending my summer's holiday time for make your rich
05/08/2011 18:06:20 Synx
but for everyone to have fun on this server
05/08/2011 18:06:22 Skyline
05/08/2011 18:06:36 Admin
I did not ask for u must do the job, I have just said, in your free time to help me, if you can
05/08/2011 18:07:05 Synx
how we can do our job if we dont have the resources for do it?
05/08/2011 18:07:24 Synx
is like tell to a architect to make a building with just a wood stick
05/08/2011 18:08:31 Synx
we can help you, and we want to help you, but we cant do it if you dont give us the tools for do it
05/08/2011 18:08:29 Admin
manage forum and ban players,I nerver said I need you are to make event or in game support,right?
05/08/2011 18:08:45 Skyline
no but without this
05/08/2011 18:08:49 Skyline
you will loose players
05/08/2011 18:08:56 Skyline
loose players = loose money
05/08/2011 18:08:59 Admin
I dont want event and ingame support
05/08/2011 18:09:01 Admin
05/08/2011 18:09:26 Synx
so what is your aim with esro? money farm?
05/08/2011 18:10:18 Synx
people play pservers because of that, you should know that after 5 years of doing that
05/08/2011 18:10:29 Synx
else they would be playing official servers
05/08/2011 18:10:34 Skyline
u ever saw isro?
05/08/2011 18:10:36 Skyline
no ingame suppor
05/08/2011 18:10:41 Skyline
no events
05/08/2011 18:10:46 Skyline
maybe some crappy every 3 months
05/08/2011 18:10:51 Skyline
and the servers are DEAD
05/08/2011 18:10:59 Admin
provideing eur pserver to the players and I can make money,2 win,this is what I want
05/08/2011 18:11:05 Synx
are full of bots, just like elitesro is right now
05/08/2011 18:11:39 Admin
do you know why isro not full anymore?
05/08/2011 18:11:44 Admin
cuz esro
05/08/2011 18:12:00 Synx
nope, isro is dying since years ago
05/08/2011 18:12:06 Skyline
05/08/2011 18:12:09 Synx
is just that new players are not comming to isro
05/08/2011 18:12:08 Skyline
i played esro
05/08/2011 18:12:14 Skyline
for 5 years
05/08/2011 18:12:24 Synx
05/08/2011 18:12:28 Synx
you mean isro? XD
05/08/2011 18:12:28 Skyline
05/08/2011 18:12:35 Skyline
it got worse and worse every year
05/08/2011 18:13:04 Synx
it started dying as soon as gm's became inactive, so that become into a goldbot fest
05/08/2011 18:13:29 Synx
and that is what is going to happen on esro, but x15 times faster because of the rates
05/08/2011 18:13:47 Synx
thats why bots shouldnt be allowed, and there should be events and ingame support
05/08/2011 18:14:02 Synx
this is not like other games, once you reach the cap there is nothing much to do
05/08/2011 18:14:11 Synx
and people reach the cap in 2 weeks with bot
05/08/2011 18:14:28 Admin
I don't want to say too much, not my stubbornness, it just was my decision
05/08/2011 18:14:44 Synx
05/08/2011 18:14:52 Synx
I will finish the xroad client and I will leave
05/08/2011 18:15:02 Synx
I dont want to work for someone who look only for money
05/08/2011 18:15:13 Admin
If you want to leave, we are still friends,thx for your hard work
05/08/2011 18:15:31 Synx
So that's it basically, the main reason I was working on eSRO was for improve the server and give the players an awesome gameplay experience, but seems he doesn't want that to happen, so as said on the conversation, I won't be working for make him rich, I was here for you, the players, not for him.
I will leave once I finish the new client for the new server cap 110
naja so fail war der emu nun auch nicht ,zu mal Xsense die Arbeit wieder aufgenommen hat
doch es ist ein fail
wie oft hat er über twitter gesagt das die und die bugs gefixt wurden sind und im nächsten release war es sogar noch schlimmer
nein die emu war total instabiel und vieles ging nicht das wusste Xsense auch
nun er ist schon seit längeren dran alles neu zu coden mit einer kleinen Hilfe von pushedx
SRX soll die neue engine heißen mal schaun ob das genau so ein fail wird oder nicht
kann mir einer link von homepage geben für esro ? find die irgend wie nicht
Esro 3 lv 100 bower FF
Ah, ok. Wie meinsten des mit keine gescheiten, kennst du [quelle]Srevolution[/quelle] < Das schaut richtig gut aus. Sehr viele fixxes und so. Ist der gut?
Also das ein paar gescheit online über hamachi oder root spielen können?
Oder was schlägst du vor?
wie gesagt alles was public momentan ist, ist "scheisse" (instabiel und viele viele bugs)
Srevolution ist auch FAIL
Es gibt kein gescheiten emu/serverfiles die public sind. Alles was momentan Public an emu's gibt , kannst du alles vergessen.
Das einzigste was public von den realen Serverfiles sind, sind die von ZSZC/Jsro doch auch nicht komplett um damit ein server aufsetzen zu können.
To Aru Majutsu no Index (1 und 2)
Clannad 1 / Clannad After Story
Welcome to the NHK!
Habe erstmal 3 stk gepostet die mir durchn kopf ging ...
Natürlich kann man von den AMV ich sage mal nichts "erkennen" wie die Anime so ist, deshalb empfehle ich dir ein paar folgen von jeder anime zu schaun
wenn du mehr willst sag bescheid^^
ich Close mal hier
sobald ich sehe das es kein fake ist und nicht voller vieren ist mache ich ihn wieder auf
link entfernt
Fairy Tail ist wirklich ein sau guter Anime, find sogar besser als Naruto.
mfG Baum
mit naruto kann ich nicht viel anfrangen ist nicht so mein ding
ich kann dir nur zustimmen
Alles Gute und viel Glück im RL
Esro 3
Ich sage nur Chinese Party FTW (2 Chin bower )
8 Euro PT ksst
dann musst du leider ein reset machen da du ja sonst nicht mehr drauf kommst
ich denke mal du hast die punkte bei kick/ban auf 1 gestellt, somit wenn einer joint wird er wieder gekickt /gebannt
hast du keine Webinterface?
diese datei ist ein activeX-steuerelement und die fehlt dir
du kannst die datei manuell auch herrunterladen
müsste dann gehen!
dafür gibt es ein support
ob der support auch gut bei esro ist , weiß ich nicht
[email protected]
vll klappt es ja