Beiträge von Lunixxa

    ich habe die Vorstellung simple gehalten, ich könnte noch min das doppelte schreiben.. aber ich finde wenn man eine Vorstellung einfach gestaltet besser
    man muss das Game halt antesten

    Linaks Danke fürs feedback


    Das Spiel ist noch nicht lange in EU drausen, aber ja habe schon einige deutsche player gesehen

    und man kann das spiel nicht mit sro vergleichen, es gibt zwar eine art item mall wobei man aber nicht Overpowerd werden kann
    und hier in diesem Spiel muss man auch ein gewisses Skill und Taktik besitzen um ein Pvp oder Gildwar zu gewinnen.
    Es ist nicht wie Sro wo man sich per item-mall sich OP macht und einfach auf die Tasten kloppt.. hier ist schon Taktik gefragt

    Beseitige das Chaos in dieser Fantasy Welt, finde den vermissten Gral, besiege die finstere Zwillingsschwester der Göttin Altea und messe dich in spannenden Gildenkämpfen mit anderen Spielern!

    Wenn die Welt in Trümmern liegt und es keinen Hoffnungsschimmer mehr zu geben scheint, schreien die Menschen nach einem Helden wie dir, um die Welt wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. In Dragon Nest ist es deine Aufgabe, den vermissten Gral zu finden, damit wieder Harmonie in der Welt herrschen kann. Bevor du dich für die Bevölkerung schmutzig machst, suchst du dir im kostenlosen MMORPG einen von vier verschiedenen und individuellen Helden aus, mit dem du dich identifizieren und auf gefährliche Reisen bgeben kannst. Auf deiner Mission, den heiligen Gral zu retten, wirst du in Dragon Nest auf die unterschiedlichsten Personen und Individuen stoßen, die dir Aufgaben und Aufträge geben wollen. Durch diese Aufgaben levelst du deinen Charakter hoch, machst ihn stärker und schlagkräftiger. Mit der Zeit findest du in Dragon Nest auch mächtige Waffen und diverse Ausrüstungsgegenstände, mit denen du dich allen Gefahren problemlos stellst. Deine Hauptaufgabe wird sein, die verzauberten Kraftsteine zu finden, damit du mit den Propheten sprechen kannst, um weitere Anweisungen erhalten zu können.

    Schließe dich außerdem mit all den anderen Spielern in Dragon Nest zusammen und erledigt Aufgaben gemeinsam! Oder du trittst gleich einer Gilde bei, in der du mit deinen Mitstreitern die nächsten Schlachten planst, die aktuellsten Neuigkeiten austauschst oder handelst. Bist du mit deiner Gilde stark genug, trittst du in ehrenhaften Gildenkriegen gegen andere Allianzen an, in denen sich herausstellt, welche die mächtigste Gilde in Dragon Nest ist.


    Gender: Female
    "Willowy and flexible as her bow, the Archer attacks multiple enemies at once! The Archer hails from Arendel, the birthplace of all elves. As part of the lifecycle of the elves, she is on a quest for "Telezia", the realization of her destiny and the discovery of her true name. Should she succeed, she will return in honor to Arendel to enter her "second life"- a transformation into a beautiful tree at the moment of her death. To fail in her quest and die elsewhere means oblivion as she turns into a pitiful mound of dust."


    Long range attacks
    Can move while using basic attack[/list]
    Many evasive skills to make up for the lack of defense




    Gender: Female
    One of the two job advancements for Archers. "While still excellent long-range attackers, Acrobats give up some of their most damaging bow skills in favor of acquiring a devastating arsenal of lightning-fast kicks and strikes. While still poorly armored, Acrobats are one of the most agile classes, boasting plenty of escape moves that allow them to get in close, do damage and get out before the foe even knows what hit them."


    Has a mix of ranged and close-ranged skills.
    Can interrupt any of their skills for another, making them one of the best combo class.
    Highest number of escape skills.


    Gender: Female
    "Sharpshooters specialize in the use of bows at the expense of their acrobatic skills and melee attacks. As such, they tend to be very vulnerable when up close with an opponent. At range though, there is no class in the game who can do as much damage as a well-played Sharpshooter."

    As in the description, Sharpshooters are extremely vulnerable at close range, as they don't have a wide variety of escape maneuvers as an Acrobat. This is often a problem for a Sharpshooter in PvP, as many classes will have to get close to them to deal some damage. However, in the hands of a skilled marksman, opponents will never seize the chance.


    Has longest range of all classes.
    Has excellent piercing AoE damage.
    Has arguably the highest DPS on a single, large, enemy.


    Gender: Male
    "Quick and agile, the Warrior relies on fast-paced melee combos! The Warrior comes from Ironwood Forest. Legend has it that he was brought to the town as an infant by his mother under mysterious circumstances. Even as a young boy, he was always quick and strong. As he grew, he found himself easily outstripping his peers in the arts of war. In his heart though, he always longed for the truth of his birth and his lineage and now finds himself on a path of personal discovery."


    Strong Physical Attack
    Ability to dash
    Fast and furious combos




    Gender: Male
    "Swordsmen specialize in the use of greatswords and can create long chains of combos that do massive damage. As Swordsmen continue to rise in level, they can further specialize their abilities, choosing to focus on doing massive damage to a single opponent or less damage to many opponents at once."

    In PvP, Swordsmen tend to utilize their speed to dodge incoming attacks and counter-attack with their own, making them hard to catch at times.


    Second fastest attack speed.
    Good hybrid class, has a selection of both ranged and melee attacks.
    Very mobile, skills cover a decent range.



    ender: Male
    "Mercenaries do less damage and are much less mobile than Swordsmen. They make up for this however, by being the most heavily armored character in the game. Their primary focus is engaging enemies one-on-one and taking the kind of blows other characters can’t, allowing their friends the opportunity to damage and destroy larger enemies. Mercenaries may use axes or hammers."

    In PvP, Mercenaries are powerful close-ranged attackers with a large area of effect compared to other melee based classes. While a few of a Mercenary's skills are slow in speed, they have a higher potential to interrupt another player's skill without worrying about about anyone else interrupting theirs, making them superior in a head-on skill clash.


    Strong resistance against knock-backs while using skills
    Powerful attacks
    Nearly every skill has a large area of effect


    Gender: Female
    "Known as a child prodigy among magicians hated and despised by humans, the Sorceress was expected to become the greatest of her kind. Instead of bringing peace and prosperity to the land though, she turned her back on her destiny and lost herself in gambling. Now she battles monsters to collect the gold to pay off her gambling debts while being unaware that destiny is not so easily thwarted."


    Medium ranged spells.
    Can move while using their basic attack.
    Can inflict a variety of status ailments.




    Gender: Female
    "Mystics go far beyond merely using the elements to inflict status ailments. They harness the very force of creation itself such as gravity and black holes to rip creatures apart, crush them mercilessly, or just whip them around to give their friends the chance to slice and dice them. The Mystic can change the tide of battle in seconds."


    Powerful blast attacks
    Able to control large areas of enemies



    Gender: Female
    "Elementalists are the queens of elemental magic and can create walls of ice, poison pits, flame trails and more as they take ultimate control of the battlefield. Although Elementalists have the disadvantage of lower health, they more than compensate with their ultimate damage. When in doubt, let an Elementalist “divide and conquer” the battlefield for you!"


    Nearly all of their skills inflict damage over a massive area
    Able to inflict upon various elemental status effects
    Uses Fire and Ice elemental magic.


    ender: Male
    "The Cleric spent much of his childhood forgotten and alone. Placed in a brutal boarding school at the behest of his cold and distant father, the Cleric might have become bitter and angry. Instead when he came of age, he entered a monastery of his own free will and learned the disciplines of a highly principled holy man trained to use both mind and body in the service of good."


    Ability to defend
    Able to heal
    Strong defense make up for lack of power





    Gender: Male
    "More than any other class, the Paladin specializes in keeping himself alive. A sort of “armored turtle,” the Paladin is really good at taking a beating to distract monsters in order to give his friends time to destroy them. Their greatest weakness is their low damage and small mana pool that forces them to be very careful when casting spells."


    Many self-buffs and passives
    Many defensive skills
    Extremely high health



    Gender: Male
    "Unlike Paladins, Priests have larger mana pools and more attack spells at their disposal. That means they can serve as a secondary damage dealer in a party. Their most effective role though, is as a healer. A good Priest in a party keeping everybody alive is often the difference between life and death in a dungeon."


    Powerful Light-based attacks
    Many party-based skills and buffs
    Many attack skills inflict and exploit paralyzation

    [subtab='lvl 40 Skills']

    [tab=Gameplay (selbstgemacht)]



    ich weis nicht was joymax machen will (zu viel langeweille?)

    wie viele Versionen wollen die denn noch bringen?

    ISRO =Fail
    Silkroad-R = Fail (ja Fail meine meinung)
    Silkroad 2? = macht ein paar wochen spass oder vll wie bei ISRO die anfangszeiten 2006 erst richtig cool das game dann jedes jahr immer beschissener

    was kommt dann? Silkroad 3?

    trozdem werde ich wenn es wirklich und offiziell drausen ist das game antesten.. dann sehe ich ob joymax was drann getahn hat und/oder ob das sich wieder so ausartet wie bei isro
    wir kennen ja Joymax und seine Versprechungen

    @Joymax ihr hättet aus diesem spiel viel mehr draus machen können..


    OK danke für die Antworten, werde mir nun einen aussuchen ;)

    Mir fällt gerade auf, dass bei den Angeboten auf kein Windows 7 dabei steht, sondern nur 98/XP/Vista
    Würden die Controller dann trotzdem gehen?

    ich habe den gleichen controller von amazon und habe Win7 64bit und es läuft alles wunderbar

    wie gesagt wurde für Windows gemacht...

    bei win7 wie isch schon bereits gesagt habe einfach den Wierless Adapter per usb anschliesen und es wird bei Win7 automatisch installiert
    brauchst also keine unötigen programme zu installieren
