Hallo leute mein englisch is nicht sehr gut und google translator spuckt komische sachen aus kann mir mal bitte einer veraten was das so ungefähr heißt !!!!!
Hello Rev6 & Silkroad Online Community!
Recently there have been numerous reports of people getting hacked within the last 2weeks. I myself have been one of them.
So far the only thing that sounds plausible is that Joymaxs Database has been hacked and either has been kept a secret or leaked to a handful of people.
Please change your password as soon as possible otherwise you risk yourself of getting hacked.
Silkroad Online (Facebook account) has taken notice of this issue and have past it on to the "team" as seen in this picture,
If you or your friends have been hacked please go to their facebook page and leave a comment there.
If you havent been hacked but want to help others then feel free to leave a comment there too.
Link to face book page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/officialsilkroad
Thank you,
Another post from Silkroads Facebook account;