Blue und Black stones

  • Hey Leute

    ich wollte mal fragen ob jmd eine ahnung hat woher man diese
    blue stones und black stones bekommt
    diese benötigt man für die production von shining stones die man wiederrum für
    die job armor benötigt

    wäre cool wenn jmd weiß wo man die her bekommt und sein wissen mit uns teilt

    und an die die es wissen und es nicht sagen wollen
    ich könnt ehh noch gold machen die nächsten 1 2 tage
    dann weiß es bald ehh jeder also scheißt halt drauf und weiht uns ein
    in ein paar tagen weiß das ehh jeder ob ihr es hier schreibt oder nicht -.-

    MFG Britsches

  • ok i just got my first job items from crafting=)

    first you need to collect some speciality trader boxes:

    u get thtem when ure lvling at normal mobs on your level, on the ground they look like the old trader goods.

    if you got some u can start consignment trading at your job npc it will
    tell you "your investment has been completed succesfull".

    after a while u can come again and do settle consignment(i still didnt
    found out how long to wait or how much boxes u need to register before, i
    just added more and more and checked from time to time if i can settle

    i did that with a thief and a hunter char now, my thief char got about
    130 black stones+1 ticket and my hunter char got about 80 blue stones + 1
    ticket. so you need to trade with ppl who got other job i guess.

    the black and blue stones are needed to craft shining stones, and shining stones are needed for almost all other receipes.

    when u craft shining stones u can get 5 types of shining stones:lowest,low,medium,high and highest quality of shining stones.
    now u need the reciepes to craft something. u also get a ticket from the
    settlement( or you buy this ticket with 20 silk from the item
    mall....)u can exchange this ticket at magic pop guide gori for a
    recipe. and then u can start crafting=)

    press a and click on craft and search for the item u got a recipe for.
    when u got it just add the needed shining stones and the recipe and
    craft it.

    there are also lowest to highest quality items to craft, for the lowest
    u need lowest shining stones and for the highest u need highest

    looks like this lowest to highest describes the level of the item. i
    made 2 lowest items now and u can wear them with lvl 20+ and i made one
    medium item which i can wear when im thief lvl 80+ ^^

    here some screens of it:

    Quelle: rev6