Silkroad Consignment Bug

  • Habe ich auf rev6 gefunden was wisst ihr darüber??

    Avoid purchasing coins in consignment,
    if someone selling 20 gold coin for 999m,
    you will only receive 1 gold coin due to the bug.

    Same thing with Battle arena coin...
    Lot of people loosing gold over this exploit.

    It is recommended to stay away from purchasing coins from consignment system.
    Sorry for your loss...

    Picture proof of issue
    Will we have a rollback?
    What will happen to people who got scammed?

    First method: Memory editor

    Get a stack of 1 coin in your inventory
    Edit the quantity inside sro_client.exe to show 20 instead
    Please note the 20 coins is client sided, it still 1 coin

    Register it to consignment system and it will show 20 coins.
    The buyer will receive 1 coin

    Alternative method to create this exploit

    How does the exploit work, you need a tool to inject packet
    OpCode is 7508 to register an item to the consignment system
    You need to have a quantity item (any quantity item work)

    Register the item once and setup the price you want.
    Record the packet that has been sent to the server.

    Now that you have the packet let me explain how it work
    0x13 is the position in your inventory that has the item
    0x02 is the quantity of item that you want to sell (stack of 2 for example)

    If you only have 1 coin, theoretically the quantity value is 1
    But when you register it, if you modify the quantity value sent to the server, you can write 30
    It will show in the consignment system the value you wrote and not the real quantity.
    When someone buy it, he get the real quantity which is 1.

    You can also do the opposite, sell a stack of 40 coins and write that it a quantity of 1
    The buyer will buy 1 coin and magically there will be 40 coins in he's inventory.

    Please note, you need a packet injection tool to be able to do this exploit.
    This exploit can't be done with a legit client.


  • mh hab ich noch nix von gehöhrt :D
    naja mir persönlich is das egal ich kauf die coins nicht.

    ich denke aber das joymax deswegen kein rollback machen würde.

    Rechtschreibfehler sind Spezialeffekte meiner Tastatur und dienen ausschließlich der allgemeinen Belustigung!!!

  • Hallo. Hier ist Silkroad Online

    Wir fanden ein Problem mit dem Consignment System und dem kauf von Coins. Im Moment untersuchen wir das Problem und bitten Sie keine Art von Coins über das Consignment System zu kaufen. Wir werden eine Ankündigung machen sobald das Problem behoben ist.

    Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeiten die Ihnen dadurch entstanden sind.


  • Und ZACK, da sind die Server im Inspektionsmodus;)

    Da der Bug nun gerade behoben wird und der Thread somit sinnfrei wird, mach ich hier mal zu.


    Edit/ Server sind wieder offen.