Der Entwickler Neocore Games veröffentlichte jetzt den Patch 1.01 für das Strategiespiel King Arthur 2: The Roleplaying Wargame. Das Update verbessert unter anderem die Performance des Spiels. Kurz nach dem Release des Strategiespiels King Arthur 2: The Roleplaying Wargame schiebt der Entwickler Neocore Games jetzt den ersten Patch nach. Das Update 1.01 steht ab sofort via Steam zum Download bereit und verbessert unter anderem die allgemeine Performance des Spiels. Des Weiteren beseitigt der Patch diverse Fehler und nimmt Änderungen am Balancing vor. Unterhalb dieser Meldung finden Sie wie gewohnt die vollständigen Patch-Notes.
Fixed issue with armies spawning on top of each other with no deployment
Fixed stone circle teleporting, both in main and prologue campaign
Fixed loops, incorrect texts and other bugs in quests
Fixed issues with diplomatic actions
Changed spell penetration level for several spells (e.g. Meteor Strike, Enchanted fog)
Decreased effectiveness of Resurrection spell to reasonable level
Decreased combat stats of Changeling/Sidhe units to reasonable levels
Fixed emergence order of Shard abilities
Fixed difficulty level issues in regard the Mad Emperor’s army
Casting unit abilities applies to all units selected
Improved general game performance, added option to disable multi GPU optimization
Other minor bug and balancing fixes
Fixed issue with armies spawning on top of each other with no deployment
Fixed stone circle teleporting, both in main and prologue campaign
Fixed loops, incorrect texts and other bugs in quests
Fixed issues with diplomatic actions
Changed spell penetration level for several spells (e.g. Meteor Strike, Enchanted fog)
Decreased effectiveness of Resurrection spell to reasonable level
Decreased combat stats of Changeling/Sidhe units to reasonable levels
Fixed emergence order of Shard abilities
Fixed difficulty level issues in regard the Mad Emperor’s army
Casting unit abilities applies to all units selected
Improved general game performance, added option to disable multi GPU optimization
Other minor bug and balancing fixes