BlackOps & Aiwnet Ban Evade

  • hey guys

    decided to release my xuid spoofer for Blackops & alteriwnet.
    this tool won't help you if you have an IP based ban.

    i only it tested on win7 x64 + win7 x86 and it worked fine.

    you may rename the dll and exe file

    when you recieve a ban on aiw they usually set your internet ip address + your xuid on a blacklist / banlist.
    if you can't change your ip or your internet service provider does not use dynamic ip addresses this program won't help you to evade your ban. so don't wonder why you are still banned / not able to play

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  • Quelle bitte mit angegeben und nicht nur die .rar scannen !
    Link vorest rausgenommen. Du kannst ihn wieder einfügen,wenn du die oben genannten Kriterien erfüllt hast.

    Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr

    MfG wamborambo