Gilde schon offen?
Royal - Part 2
Gleich xP
Botting (GoldBot zb. und normal auch) allowed?
Client-Limit? -
Botting (GoldBot zb. und normal auch) allowed?
Notable features:- New quests have been added. Example: for killing Lord Yarkan, you will receive the "Bone Lord Slayer" title.
- Special title system: we have added over 100 new titles (such as Assassin, Templar, etc.), and you can get them by exchanging 25 Epic Tokens at our special NPCs.
- We have created a SRO-R like system: level 1-75 monsters drops "Beginner Tokens", which you can use to purchase "leveling gear" (Degree 1-8 Seal of Moon and Sun items).
- There is no free Silk. However, most of the Silk items (Reverse Return Scrolls, Global Chat, Avatars, etc.) can be purchased for gold. Premium and Devil Spirit can be purchased for Epic Tokens, which you can obtain from Battle Arena, uniques, events or by donating.
- Degree 9 Seal of Moon items can be purchased from NPCs. We will never sell overpowered items, such as Seal of Sun.
- You can obtain a Seal of Sun weapon by collecting 8 Talismans from Demon Shaitan. The drop rate is very low.
- Grab pets, clocks and Devil Spirit Extension are free. You can enjoy full time grab pets and permanent 5% DS at all time.
- Special PVP zone.
- Elements can be purchased from NPCs.
- Elixirs and stones are stackable to 50.
- Battle Arena is every 4 hours (random, party, job / CTF and Score).
- Fortress war is once a week.
- We keep our client up to date. All the latest avatars, pets are added.
- Botting is allowed, but only with one character.
- Active ingame GMs, with great support.
- Daily events with nice rewards.
Soul und ich starten heute eh wieder unser botting-project, wie auf jedem server.
bzw. bin fast lvl 50, aber ich konnte gestern+heute nich zocken, erst heute abend/nacht.
also welcher sever?
EpicSro -
Siehe hier könnte helfen Epic Silkroad "Royal"
Hab nen neuen Server gefunden, echt nice!
Sind jSRO Files (Old School interface, alchemy etc.), KEINE BOTS VERFÜGBAR!! also Legit spielen. Günstig Silks
Cap: 90
Gibt Vote for Silk, Invite friends etc.
Guild rank mit rewards (daily & weekly)
Wer interesse hat, ich kann euch nen Ref-Link schicken damit bekommt man silks sobald derjenige nen char auf lvl 50 gespielt hat!
Würde gerne dort mit jemanden anfangen und ne gilde aufmachen!