Hast du doch letztens groß angekündigt.
Stammtisch: Wir schaffen 8888 Seiten! (1000, 1337, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666 & 7777 geschafft)
- [Sonstiges]
- Redmoon666
Wuhu endlich ein Grund eine Selbstschussanlage in den Vorgarten zu setzen
Habe mir übrigens einen Aluhut gekauft. Kommt Ende Januar bei mir an.
@everyone Website will go down for maintenance!
@everyone The website is online! Rankings, timers and unique tracking are online!
The timers can be found on the homepage under the news items.
More requirements will be added to the rankings throughout the server lifetime so you always have an accurate view on where you stand!
Please do note that some rankings are being indexed for caching and might be slow. Be patient with that.
@everyone Greetings Sailors of the Red Sea,
This post is dedicated to explain to you our plans after a big week ended with PvP Tournament helping us collect important information about server balance.
A big update is being prepared, however due to the importance of the changes we will spend some days testing on the test server before applying it.
Balance Changes.
After a big week with the PvP Tournament taking place we really feel like working on improving some builds (especially STR Chinese) ensuring the next bigger tournament will have more competitive builds participating. The tournament gave us lots of experience and made it clear that some builds really need to be buffed and there is no reason to keep them "original", we want to do a better job than Joymax! We will be first testing them on our test server and when we're happy with the results will announce them on live too. We have enough time before the next big tournament to prepare an amazing competition with great variety!
Jobbing Improvements.
As more and more people are reaching the end game we want to bring Red Sea in a jobbing era. As always all changes will be tested very carefully and made in a way that won't ruin the current server economy respecting all players effort. All we can say for now is we're preparing some changes to ensure jobbing will be more profitable (working on both contribution ladders with silver/gold coin rewards and town-to-town profits). We also plan to make the biggest bosses of 110 (Haroeris and Seth) more rewarding to see some massive fights there.
Sailor Pass Improvements - New Visual Items.
Additionally, after many requests we promise to bring some amazing new visual items on the Sailor Pass in the upcoming season. We will be working hard to give you more choices in character customization always respecting the original feeling Sailor represents!testv2.png
Wat geht alter Haubentaucher
ging sich doch nur weil silke wieder i nen mist gepostet hat
Noch 1 Stunde dann Feierabend! Aufm direkten weg zur Post und PC abholen
hast ne win 10 lizenz und so?
GeForce RTX? Hattest du nicht eine 1660 Ti gekauft?
Nein? lol alter der pc ist so schnell
Ja, endlich kannst du Silkroad mit Schatten auf "Hoch" spielen und
hast keine ruckler bei Shaitan.
die RTX ist top bro
wieso denkst du ich habe eine 1660 ti? die ist schmutz bruder