Bist du nicht gestern erst auf einer Baustelle herumgeturnt?
Stammtisch: Wir schaffen 8888 Seiten! (1000, 1337, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666 & 7777 geschafft)
- [Sonstiges]
- Redmoon666
Ja habe das seit Montag... Ich kann auch mit schmerzen arbeiten lol
Aber heute kann ich mich kaum bewegen
Das kommt davon, wenn man mit Schmerzen arbeitet.
True aber der neue PC muss ja auch finanziert werden
Mach dir auch einen OnlyFans Account.
Mal gucken wie meine Pille heut Nacht so abgeht. Laut Arzt macht die schläfrig. Soll jede Nacht eine nehmen
So ich werfe die tablette nun ein! Wir sehen uns morgen früh
Es hat geschneit! Nun ist uslar auch weiß
Hier hat es auch geschneit.
Auf den Straßen bzw. Gehwegen ist aber mehr eine 1 mm
Schneematschschicht. Und auf dem Rasen guckt noch der Rasen durch.
Es hat geschneit! Nun ist uslar auch weiß
Ja, man mag keine farbigen in Uslar.
Seine Uslarer Kollegen halfen beim Aufbau der „Hitler-Jugend“ mit.
Uslar: Die Wiege des Bösen.
Es ist sehr traurig, wenn es den ganzen Tag schneit und nichts liegen bleibt.
The weather will be perfect this weekend, we sail faster! Earn +40% experience during the weekend!
Event duration:
Friday 21:00 - Sunday 23:59 GMT+2
@everyone Greetings Sailors,
Scheduled weekly maintenance will take place Saturday 09.01 at 16:00 GMT+2 to apply the weekly update!
Sneak Peak.
On this update we will focus on improving the server gameplay by reducing the daily time required to finish all main activities. Several bug fixes will also be deployed as well as schedule changes and other upgrades. Improvements are to be expected on the following activities:
1. Holy Water Temple.
2. Battle Arena.
3. Battle of Infinity.
Changes applied on these activities will also be new player-friendly as in less time you will be able to get the same resources with before. Of course, while applying any update we respect the game economy and all players effort.
Sailor Pass Season 2!!
Brand new Sailor Pass with new exclusive title & avatar will also be released within this update.
Website Update.
A big website update is also being prepared by @Nidze adding all timers, unique logs and item point rankings adding some real value to the website!
The server downtime will be 2 hours, we really don't plan on extending it later on as 90% of the patch is already done. We know it is Saturday and we would never keep you outside your 2nd home!
Soll das witzig sein?
Greetings, @everyone
Red Sea - January 9th 2020
1. When your Sailor Pass level up, or level down. You will be getting protection for a duration of 10 seconds. This will protect you from getting killed at special trades npcs outside towns.
2. Fixed the wizard attack bug.
3. Modified APIS respawn time every 2 hours instead of 3.
4. Modified Arena, Silver, Iron, Gold, Bronze, Survival, and Coins of Courage to not be store-able.
5. Fixed Random Arena 110+ monster spawns.
6. Increased Iron, Cooper, Silver, and Gold Coins stack to 250 instead of 50.
7. Modified Specialty Trades Time:
-2 AM - 4 AM
-12 AM - 1 PM
-8 PM - 11 PM
8. Modified Job Uniques Time:
Selket & Neith:
1. 4:00 AM ~ 6:00 AM
2. 5:00 PM ~ 7:00 PM
Anubis & Isis:
1. 6:30 AM ~ 8:30 AM
2. 7:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM
Haroeris & Seth:
1. 8:30 AM ~ 10:30 AM
2. 11:00 PM ~ 1:00 AM
9. Modifed the minimum level of Survival Arena entrance to 105.
10. Added a new Title called Demon, Color is Black. It gives 5% speed increase, and 900 HP (Blaze Bear Hunters give 1.000, before you complain). Its Sailor Pass season 2 item.
11. Reduced Battle Arena time to 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes.
12. Disabled the Winter event.
13. Reset the attendance event it starts today, and it will end of Jan 30 2021.
14. Increased the Battle Arena coins amount reward to 6x Win, and 3x Defeat.
15. Modified the HWT entries to 3x with premium, and 2x without premium and improved the drops to balance it out.
16. Modified all EGY A NPC Items to not be store-able.
17. Reduced the Premium Remover Scroll from 150 silks to 50 silks.
18. Fixed the Dungeon of Blaze Tower ticket, that was dropping from Kaguya, it wasnt working. It should now.
19. Thieves contribution was paid out.
20. All characters job level has been reset to level 1.
21. All Sailor Pass subscriptions has ended for season 1.
22. Reduced BOI entries for party, and solo to 1 and increased arena coin rewards to balance it out.
23. Increased the BOI Arena Coins reward amount to 10 instead of 5.
24. Applied Bless Spell Lv13 balance to Lv14 and Lv15 to achieve a better competition on party based activities.
25. Fixed the Survival Arena Individual Shift key bug, it was showing character name in chat window, not anymore.
26. Sailor Pass Season 2 has begun: Demon title & Demon Shaitan 2017 exclusive items will be available for the next 25 days.
27. Modified the entrance level of Blaze Dungeon to 105
28. Adjusted the following drop of HWT
Sphinx: Iron Coin from 1 to 2.
Sekhmet: Elixir Coupon from 1 to 2 & Cooper Coin from 2 to 3.
Nepthys: Silver Coin from 1 to 2 & Iron Coin from 1 to 2.
Horus: Gold Coin from 1 to 2 & Cooper Coin from 2 to 3.
Osiris: Elixir Coupon from 1 to 2 & Silver Coin from 1 to 2.
Sphinx: Iron Coin from 2 to 3.
Sekhmet: Elixir Coupon from 1 to 2 & Cooper Coin from 3 to 5.
Nepthys: Silver Coin from 1 to 2 & Iron Coin from 2 to 3.
Horus: Gold Coin from 1 to 2 & Cooper Coin from 3 to 5.
Osiris: Elixir Coupon from 1 to 2 & Iron Coin from 2 to 3 & Silver Coin from 1 to 2.
Sphinx: Iron Coin from 3 to 5 & Silver Coin from 2 to 3.
Sekhmet: Elixir Coupon from 1 to 2 & Cooper Coin from 4 to 6 & Gold Coin from 2 to 3.
Nepthys: Silver Coin from 2 to 3 & Iron Coin from 3 to 5.
Horus: Cooper Coin from 4 to 6 & Gold Coin from 2 to 3.
Osiris: Iron Coin from 3 to 5 & Elixir Coupon from 1 to 2.
Herkese merhaba