Hey Leute ich steig nicht hinter.
Ich habe 2 MySql Queries. Einer funktioniert und der andere nicht.
Der erste wird normal vom System ausgeführt und funktioniert.
SELECT post.postID, MATCH (post.subject, post.message) AGAINST ('test') + (5 / (1 + POW(LN(1 + (1326750611 - post.time) / 2592000), 2))) + IF(thread.boardID=294,2,0) AS relevance FROM wbb1_1_post post LEFT JOIN wbb1_1_thread thread USING (threadID) WHERE MATCH (post.subject, post.message) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND (post.threadID <> 149222) GROUP BY post.postID ORDER BY relevance DESC
Den 2ten führe ich aus und da bekomme ich nen error
SELECT post.postID, MATCH (post.subject, post.message) AGAINST ('test') + (5 / (1 + POW(LN(1 + (1326751021 - post.time) / 2592000), 2))) + IF(thread.boardID=290,2,0) AS relevance FROM wbb1_1_post post LEFT JOIN wbb1_1_thread thread USING (threadID) WHERE MATCH (post.subject, post.message) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND (post.threadID <> 149224) GROUP BY post.postID ORDER BY relevance DESC
sql error: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
Sieht wer den Fehler?