Ich suche jemanden der mir nen Windows 7 Minianwendungs Gadget um moddet...
Hab aus dem I-Net nen Equilizer geladen der auch super geht
Der ist aber klein was man sich ja denk (Minianwendung)
Möchte das gerne so haben das der über meine ganze Bildschirm länge geht und ungefähr bis zu hälft hoch.
wer könnt mir das machen ?
das hier ist die Skin.js
- // External variables:
- // skinPath - String, relative path of this theme, from System.Gadget.path ie "themes\default"// use this when pulling in graphics. ie src='" + skinPath + "/graphics.png'"// EQbands - Integer, the number of EQ bands the Gadget is configured for// decayRate - Integer, the current decayRate setting (0 to 20)// divGraph - the DIV to create the display elements in// bDebug - Boolean, is the Gadget in debug mode
- // External methods:// debugLog(<text>) - write a debug log entry// EQGadget.EQBand([0...<EQbands>]) - Integer, the power spectrum results
- // Methods to be included in this code:
- // initialize() - initialize the graphics, setup variables etc// you must set the document.body.style.width/height in here// display() - display the EQ. A call should be made to "EQGadget.FFT(EQbands);"// to run an FFT on the current sound output.
- var gWidth = 130; // gadget widthvar gHeight = 65; // gadget height
- var maxImages = 100;
- if (System.Gadget.Settings.readString("default_barStyle") != "") var barStyle = System.Gadget.Settings.read("default_barStyle");else var barStyle = 1; // the filename of the bar style
- if (System.Gadget.Settings.readString("default_backgroundStyle") != "") var backgroundStyle = System.Gadget.Settings.read("default_backgroundStyle");else var backgroundStyle = 0; // the filename of the background stylevar nextBackgroundStyle = backgroundStyle;
- var barWidth = 6; // width of the barvar barHeight = 49; // the max height of the barsvar eqBars = new Array(EQbands);
- var updating = false;var background = new Array(1);var gBackgroundChanger, gBarBackground, gBarChanger;
- function initialize() { var xPos, yPos, obj, obj1;
- document.body.style.width = gWidth; document.body.style.height = gHeight;
- //set the background if it exists divGraph.innerHTML += "<g:background id='gbackground' src='images/blank.png' style='top:0px; left:0px; width:" + gWidth + "px; height:" + gHeight + "px;' />"; divGraph.innerHTML += "<img src='images/blank.png' style='top:10px; left:108px; width:14px; height:14px;' " + "onclick=\"fadeBackground(); changeIMG(gBackgroundChanger, 'backgroundClickHover.png')\" " + "onmousedown=\"changeIMG(gBackgroundChanger, 'backgroundClickDown.png')\" " + "onmouseover=\"changeIMG(gBackgroundChanger, 'backgroundClickHover.png')\" " + "onmouseout =\"changeIMG(gBackgroundChanger, 'backgroundClick.png')\" " + "title=\"Change background\" />"; divGraph.innerHTML += "<img src='images/blank.png' style='top:40px; left:107px; width:14px; height:14px;' " + "onclick=\"fadeBar(); changeIMG(gBarChanger, 'barClickHover.png')\" " + "onmousedown=\"changeIMG(gBarChanger, 'barClickDown.png')\" " + "onmouseover=\"changeIMG(gBarChanger, 'barClickHover.png')\" " + "onmouseout =\"changeIMG(gBarChanger, 'barClick.png')\" " + "title=\"Change bars\" />";
- //create the EQ bar elements for (var j = 0; j < EQbands; j++) { xPos = 8 + j * barWidth; yPos = 8;
- // EQ band itself divGraph.innerHTML += "<div id='divEQband" + j + "' style='position:absolute;" + "overflow:hidden; width:" + barWidth + "px;" + "top:" + yPos + "px; " + "left:" + xPos + "px;'><img id='imgEQband" + j + "' " + "src='" + skinPath + "/bars/bar" + barStyle + ".png' style='position:absolute' /></div>"; }
- initArray(); window.setTimeout(setupBackground, 1);}
- function fadeBar() {try{ barStyle++; if (!oFSO.FileExists(System.Gadget.path + "\\" + skinPath + "\\bars\\bar" + barStyle + ".png")) barStyle = 1;
- //save setting System.Gadget.Settings.write("default_barStyle", barStyle)
- gBarBackground.src = skinPath + "\\bars\\bar" + barStyle + "background.png" for (var j=0; j<EQbands; j++) { obj = document.getElementById("imgEQband" + j); obj.src = skinPath + "/bars/bar" + barStyle + ".png"; }} catch(err) {debugLog("fadeBar: " + err.name + " - " + err.message)}}
- function changeIMG(obj, img) { obj.src = skinPath + "/" + img;}
- function setupBackground() {try{ background[0] = gbackground.addImageObject(nextBackground(), 4, 4); background[0].opacity = 0; background[0].width = 121; background[0].height = 57; background[1] = gbackground.addImageObject(aImages[backgroundStyle], 4, 4); background[1].opacity = 100; background[1].width = 121; background[1].height = 57;
- gBackgroundChanger = gbackground.addImageObject(skinPath + "/backgroundClick.png", 108, 10); gBarChanger = gbackground.addImageObject(skinPath + "/barClick.png", 107, 40); gBarBackground = gbackground.addImageObject(skinPath + "/bars/bar" + barStyle + "background.png", 0, 0);} catch(err) {debugLog("setupBackground: " + err.name + " - " + err.message)}}
- function nextBackground(change) { nextBackgroundStyle++; if (nextBackgroundStyle < aImages.length) { if (change) { if (nextBackgroundStyle == 1) backgroundStyle = 0; else backgroundStyle++; } } else { if (change) backgroundStyle = nextBackgroundStyle-1; nextBackgroundStyle = 0; }
- return aImages[nextBackgroundStyle];}
- function backgroundStylePlus1() { backgroundStyle++; return backgroundStyle;}
- function fadeBackground() {try{ if (background[0].opacity < 100) { background[0].opacity += 10; background[1].opacity -= 10; window.setTimeout(fadeBackground, 20); } else { background[1].src = background[0].src; background[0].opacity = 0; background[1].opacity = 100; background[0].src = nextBackground(true);
- //save settings System.Gadget.Settings.write("default_backgroundStyle", backgroundStyle); }} catch(err) {debugLog("fadeBackground: " + err.name + " - " + err.message)}}
- function display() { if (updating) return; updating = true;
- var eqScale, obj;
- // update the EQ for (var j = 0; j < EQbands; j++) { try{ eqScale = parseInt(EQGadget.EQBand(j) * (barHeight/100)); if (eqScale > barHeight) eqScale = barHeight; } catch(err) { if (bDebug) debugLog("display1: "+err.name+" - "+err.message); eqScale = 0; } try{ //decay the bars if (decayRate > 0) { if (eqScale < eqBars[j]) if (eqBars[j] - decayRate > eqScale) eqScale = eqBars[j] - decayRate; }
- obj = document.getElementById("divEQband" + j); if (eqScale < 1) { // hide the bar if it's zero if (eqBars[j] > 0) obj.style.display = "none"; } else { // display the bar if it's hidden if (eqBars[j] < 1) obj.style.display = "inline"; // update the bar height var tHeight = barHeight - eqScale; obj.style.height = eqScale; obj.style.top = 8 + tHeight; obj = document.getElementById("imgEQband" + j); // convert to a string to get around a bug on 64bit IE7 obj.style.top = String(-tHeight) + "px"; } } catch(err) {debugLog("display2: "+err.name+" - "+err.message)}
- eqBars[j] = eqScale; }
- updating = false;}
- // Initialize the image arrayvar supportedFileTypes = " .jpg .jpeg .jpe .gif .png .bmp ";var aImages;
- function initArray() {try{ aImages = new Array(); catalogueImages(System.Gadget.path + "\\" + skinPath.replace(RegExp("/", "g"), "\\") + "\\backgrounds");
- //if there's no images, use the windows wallpaper folder if (aImages.length == 0) { currentPath = System.Environment.getEnvironmentVariable("WINDIR") + "\\Web\\Wallpaper"; catalogueImages(currentPath); }} catch(err) {debugLog("initArray:"+err.name+" - "+err.message)}}
- // Catalogue the images in the selected folderfunction catalogueImages(filePath) { //stop getting images if we have too many if (aImages.length >= maxImages) return;
- //get the folder try{ var oFolder = System.Shell.itemFromPath(filePath); } catch(err) {debugLog("catalogueImages: "+err.name+" - "+err.message); return;}
- try{ //dont look in compressed folders if(oFolder.type == "Compressed (zipped) Folder") return; //get the files in the folder var oItems = oFolder.SHFolder.Items; var sFiletype; var imageCount = oItems.count; for(var i = 0; i<imageCount && aImages.length<maxImages; i++) { var sFile = oItems.item(i).path; if (bDebug) debugLog("file: "+sFile); if(!oItems.item(i).isFolder && !oItems.item(i).isLink) { //file sFiletype = sFile.substr(sFile.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase(); if(supportedFileTypes.indexOf(" " + sFiletype + " ") > -1) aImages.push(sFile); } } } catch(err) {debugLog("catalogueImages: "+err.name+" - "+err.message)}